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Found 9 results

  1. Crowd Motion Blur About this article In his latest tutorial, Ciro Sannino demonstrates an easy method for creating motion blur for people in your images, ensuring they follow the correct direction. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/aa303942-crowd-motion-blur
  2. In his latest tutorial, Chaos Academic Partner and 3D Awards judge Ciro Sannino shows how to use the new features in Chaos Scatter for Corona 12 to create and manage instances, using advanced tools such as Brush, Erase and more. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/911561ca-chaos-scatter-in-corona-12
  3. Jonas Noell just published another great tutorial in his YouTube channel, this time showing how to use V-Ray's native tools to create realistic grass for archviz. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/96631ecb-realistic-grass-with-v-ray
  4. Welcome to another exclusive tutorial, a special collaboration between Chaos and CGarchitect! In this video, we'll show you how to create beautiful string lights in no time using Chaos Scatter. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/5728aacc-exclusive-creating-string-lights-with-chaos-scatter
  5. I am working on projects involving imaginary cities. These would often be on non-flat surfaces (like going up a mountain). So what I currently do is create a bunch of instances of simple building geometry, either manually distributed or with the "scatter" compound object. When I want a "line" of buildings, such as along a street, I use a plugin called PropLine. Once I have them where I want in top view, I then use the "scripted glue" plugin to drop them down to the mountain geometry. This becomes less tenable and rather tedious when dealing with very large/complex/distant scenes, however. It can be difficult to tell how exactly they are going to fall onto the mountain with my current approach, and performance can get laggy very quickly with the likes of Propline. What I really want to do is "spray paint" my buildings directly in the viewport, with lots of control over rotation, size variability, clumping-without-overlapping, flipping, and also the option for billboarding. Whatever it takes not to weigh down an already hypercomplex scene. I definitely still want to add groups of plants as well, but getting a "natural forest distribution" is lower on my priority list. I'd rather have options for "irregular grid" patterns that are more common in city maps. BTW, I have already tried Carbon Scatter for Max awhile back and it was terrible, causing constant crashes and not appearing to have many options (although hard to tell just how limited it was due to the crashing). I'm now looking at "MultiScatter" and "Forest Pack Pro." It does seem that with these, I'm paying for all the "natural" forest capabilities, which is less of my priority. I'm also a freelancer just breaking into this space, so funds are limited, but I'll still shell out $$$ if I really have to in order to accomplish this goal. So if you know of a good plugin/native workflow for this purpose, I'm all ears. I'm in Max 2015, BTW. Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone, I'm trying to scatter/distribute an object in a scene and would like to limit the rotation of the objects in certain ways. The idea is, somebody dumped a bucket of Lego blocks in a room. When they come to a rest they won't stand up on a corner but lay flat on one of the sides. So I want to restrict the rotation to 90 degree increments in the x-axis, 0 degrees in y (the block is very unlikely to rest on one of the short sides and top and bottom are already covered by x) and free 360 degree rotation in z. It seems like there should be a simple solution to this, doesn't everybody want to do something like this all the time? I feel like I'm missing something an I'm going crazy over this. I tried "Scatter" which allows you to restrict rotation to a certain angle, e.g. 90 degrees, but it automatically set all three axis to the same value and I also don't get 180 deg only +/-90 deg. The rotation event in PFlow doesn't seem to allow rotation at certain values at all, is there another event I can use? I am not terribly familiar with PFlow. Can I use WireParameters? Again I'm not all that familiar with those either (I know of their existence, that's about it) Are there any plug-ins that could help with this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have hit a dead end. Thanks Tobi
  7. Hi all Does anyone use a scattering plugin for 3ds Max (MultiScatter, Forest Pro, VRayScatter, Carbon Scatter, ...) being compatible with Maxwell Render? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello everyone, I intend to invest into an vegetation plug-in, as I have to do some exterior work. I am currently looking at three competeing products: Onyx, GrowFX and AutoGrass. I would be thankful if someone in the know would be kind enough to comment on following issues: 1. if I get Onyx or GrowFX is it sensible to get AutoGrass as well, or will this be doing a redundant job? 2. how does GrowFX currently compare to the Onyx Super Bundle? As I understand GrowFX is cheaper, appears to have a better support and allows to animate growth, while the Onyx package produces slightly better models. Is there any more to it? 3. how stable are both packages with the aforementioned versions of MAX? 4 (Bonus question) I am also thinking about getting a scatter solution (mainly for use with vray proxies). Which scatter would you recommend? Where do you see the main limitations of the scripts/plugins and which scatterer would you recommend (if I go for a commercial solution, I would be leaning towards Forest Pack as Vray and Multi Scatter seem to get more stick on the forums). Thank you for your input. Regards mkfrommainchester
  9. leoviale

    Vray Scatter

    Hi guys, is there a web page to purchase Vray scatter? I tried to look up in iCube, sent a mail to them, but didn't have any reply. I dunno if there r some other ways to purchase it.
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