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Found 7 results

  1. Hi guys, I'm recently trying to optimalize vray setUp for fastening the render, but keeping adecvate quality of result(mainly noise reduction) I'm rendering pretty simple scene (image) but render time is reeeally long (for this example it was more than 10hours) - it's unbelievable...and what more, after 10 hours it's always making problem with some materials, specially reflections are going totally wrong/slow I have sketchUp 17 and vRay 3.4, using almost defaults -brute force like primary, and light cache like secondary please, i need some help with it, i'm hopeless
  2. Hello, I'm a new Vray user. I've only done a couple of rendering projects before, but the rendering times always skyrocket. This time i had it running for 15 hours and it was only done with the prepasses. I used the default indoor rendering setting for very high quality, and the image was 3525 by 2475. The materials i've used have a lot of subdivisions, because the scene is primarily lit with emissive lighting. The floor had to be done with 500 subdivisions to eliminate the light specks. I've allocated 7gb of ram, but it only uses 500 mb for some reason. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! Kind regards, a stressed out newb. Specs: i7-4790K 4GHz GeForce 760 GTX 4GB 8GB Ram
  3. Hi, Is there a way to show the like in Vray for 3dsmax? Like on this image: http://vray.us/vray_tutorials/media/step2.png Thanx
  4. Hello everybody, I need somme advices here. Its' been 9 months that I work as a freelancer and there is a point that I'm not comfortable with in each price quotation that I've done : How much do you charge for rendering time. It is like 50%/75% of your hourly rate for each hour of rendering? Or just a fix price for each render you do (considering time). Honestly I miss that point and think that I'm undercharge this step in my work, but maybe not too. Thanks a lot in advance for your advices. Cheers, Pascal
  5. Hello all, I'm new to Maxwell. I've been using Cinema 4D for all my renders before now. I'm curious about Maxwell's idea of the "neverending" render... I do appreciate that Maxwell's approach to rendering is more realistic, more naturalistic. But the question remains: How do you know when Maxwell is (more or less) finished with rendering your picture? I see it can schedule 2-hour renders even on the simplest of subjects (a simple sphere primitive, for example). Are you telling me that the picture continually improves over that two-hour rendertime? Or does it reach at point at which "it's not going to get any better". In a nutshell: How do you know when to stop (interrupt) your render? Thanks, rasputin
  6. Hello, I looking to bring down render time of this image. Please give some ideas how to do this. I also suspect that there might be some tricky switch somewhere, beceause scene is rather simple (except xref 230mb tree) IrMap: low LC: 400, 4pases ImageSampler: DMC min:1 max:2 AA: Mitchell-Netraval and it turn out to be 4.5 hours! on quad intel q8200, 8gb, asus. at first it was crashing after it reached 5.6gb, but then I found this dynamic memory 400MB limit, and set it to 7GB. also some spots showed upupper left area?, also it is bit too dark, so I think I need to convert to gamma workflow(nightmare) one direct light, enviroment ovrd 2.0, vray sphre wth light mtl inside(as a sky) ____________________________________________________ To summ up: 1. What do you thik about render time of it? 2. Where the color pixels coming from? 3. Is there easy way to convert scene form non managed to gamma2.2? 4. How do you like it, what you see? Help me. Boys and Girls.
  7. I already side tracked to this issue on another topic. I would like to widen my audience I'm not sure why, but the render time estimate (VRAY) isn't steady. time changes up to 50% during render and the counter even freezes occasionally. my current image started as 1hr and 50 minutes after a while it started going up to 4+ hours. that's time I currently don't have, If I knew that, I would have let it start - but now, I don't want to waste all the time gone ... ahhh.... anyway now its slowly dropping back to 2+ hours.. make up your mind I wounder if it finished at 1.50 ANYWAYS I wounder if there's some power-full, before you render - time calculator that gives you an accurate estimate, which will quickly simulate all the passes+render and give you a rough but better estimate on how long your render will take at the current settings? this sound like a time saver. searched google.. found nothing.. maybe it was my key-terms? Thanks Yuval.
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