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Found 3 results

  1. Hello ! I have an issue with previewing the geometry in 3ds max. It is disappearing and not previewing when zooming in. System units are "mm". but also check in meters and nothing changed. Also there is issue with gizmo in perspective only, that it doesn't move smoothly but in steps. It seems like an issue with scale, but i have to work in "mm". Is there some solution for this ? Thank you !
  2. I have a problem with importing a model that I have created in Sketchup into 3DS Max to render with Maxwell Render. I have the units of my model set up as follows: The units for sketchup are also in mm. When I import the .skp file using the 3DS max import option and render the file the materials do not scale properly: If i create a geometry in max and apply the same material, the material is to scale as shown here with a box: One solution for a small plane like that in my sketchup model is to go into sketchup and export the model as a MXS and them import it as a MXS file type in max. When i apply the same material as in the earlier images, the Material is now to the correct scale as shown here (again next to a box created in max): This workflow from sketchup to max is a bit tedious and does NOT work for more complex models and lots of geometry is missing. So my question is this, How can i import sketchup models into Max and have the materials map properly?
  3. hi, i have been working with Vray for a while now, but i keep running into the same trouble with the settings every now and then. I tried doing some research on it in the books, but i guess i am the only one that does not fully understand how things really work because most books/tutorials skip the setting up part. The problem is this... i import a lot form autocad into 3dmax, in autocad we work in millimeters. if i put my unit setup to generic and the system unit scale to millimeters i continuesly have trouble with shadows and have to blow up my lights big time. So the question is, how does the unit scale influence the shadows etc. I tried rescaling the worldunits on my selection by a factor of 1000 but that made some parts shrink and others stay big. Scaling them down the normal way doesnt seem to alter their behavior on the shadowpart. furthermore i also have the impression that VRAY is made for a standard scalesetup since i get a lot of trouble with spots and grain in my renders. i hope anybody can shed some light on these points or point me towards a comprehensible tutorial that adresses these issues. many thanks tunes
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