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Found 14 results

  1. Hello, we are archviz studio, based in 2005 in Czech Republic. This is our website: http://miss3.cz/ We are also making some 3D assets: https://www.bonboniere3d.com
  3. Hello. I want to share some interesting 3d models complely free. I hope that they will be useful. DOWNLOAD HERE DOWNLOAD HERE DOWNLOAD HERE
  4. Hello. My name is Stas, and at this time I work in the architectural studio as a visualizer. In my free time I sometimes make models of furniture and other objects. I would like to try to sell my models at turbosquid or other services. In this topic I would like to consult with you and ask you what models for architectural visualization are maximum demand. I do not want to lose time in vain and would therefore like to ask you what in your opinion now sells better, what would you be willing to buy, what models would be helpful for you, and in general how do you think is it really possible to earn some money that way? For example, I planned to model such necessary objects for architectural visualization as hi-end furniture sets made in one style, vegetation models (grass, bushes, trees), sets of books to fill shelves, stones and other objects. You can see examples of my models in my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/gallery/8961429/3d-foliage-models-grass https://www.behance.net/gallery/3568451/Furniture-and-objects P.S. Whether there are other ways of selling models except of royalty free stock sale services?
  5. Hello everyone! I just present the website where I put my download 3D models ! Mainly dedicated to architectural visualizations , many of them are free and its quality photorealistic ! Go and take a look ! 3Dgoodplace.com I hope you will enjoy!
  6. Does anyone know of a resource for the gathering of total sales numbers for the 3D products market? I'm looking for things like; X amount of dollars spend on the purchasing of 3d models in 2010, X percent of total spent on models, X on textures, x on tutorials, etc... There is definitely some valuable information in this sites salary/industry survey, but it doesn't really cover what I'm looking for. Anyone know anywhere to find such information?
  7. Hello, today i want to sahre another 3d model for your rendering work, i hope you ike it. SOFA 020 DOWNLOAD HERE
  8. Hello, i work on 3d architectural visualization, and i have to make models for my projects. Now, i want to share these models. The first models are 3d furniture, as soon as possible i'll upload more models including different categories also. I hope they're useful and i'm interest on your oppinion about them. models can be downloaded on: http://3dcontents.blogspot.com/ B.R
  9. There's around a new and very useful site: http://www.archivitamins.com Here you can find a huge and wonderful collection of the best sites where to download for FREE high quality 2D blocks, 3D models, technical details, silhouettes, icons, illustrations and loads of other interesting and useful stuff! Eye catching, easy to use…and, especially, totally free!!!
  10. Hey im having a problem in rendering my model. Its low poly and the edges are showing up. Ive seen a lot of guys mapping lowpoly but their edges are not showing. The edges that im talking about is the one that makes the model blocky, or look really low poly. what technique shall i use ?
  11. Studio/Institution: 3D Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3D max VRay Website: http://www.turbosquid.com/Search/Artists/kupfer Description: The interior of a modern country house - living room ... unfortunately had to crop the image (
  12. I Everyone want to learn more about 3d modelling but i really don't know where to start.I'm the king of noobs in 3ds and zbrush and in texturing i really don't know where to start.Can someone help me pls ?
  13. Tip 1 Did you know that "architectural materials" and "self illuminated" materials are light emitting (for Mental Ray & Vray) ? If you apply them on a box you will get a similar effect as a "photometric area light" or a "Vray light". Tip 2 Try to use always soft shadows in your renderings if possible. Hard shadows are looking always very fake. In "Mr Omni/Spot" scale the size of the light in the area light parameters (mental ray). In Mental Ray you have to use the "RAYTRACED shadows" ! In Vray enable in the Omni/Spot the "area shadow" and scale the size of the light. Soft shadows will take more render time ! Tip 3 To have perfect shadows it is necessary to create all objects with real dimensions. Tip 4 How to decrease render time for test-renderings: a) The main setting to decrease the render time is the image size. Normally I use 150x112 pixels as size. It is too small to see the object's details but it’s perfect to understand the light conditions. b) Lower the Shadow quality ! c) Reduce the polygon number of the objects (try to use the optimize modifier if you don't have any mesh smooth modifier on the objects)! d) Reduce the photon number or/and the "sample" settings in the render engines. Vray/MentalRay/Brazil RS/FinalRender/ etc. e) Be careful with the amount of lights (too many lights will make the rendering very slow)! Tip 5 Do not use editable MESH but ALWAYS editable "POLY". Editable Poly is optimized for advanced modeling , creates less errors than editable mesh and has many more settings than editable mesh. If you were working on a object with editable mesh , you can without problems convert it into an editable Poly object. Tip 6 Instead to mesh smooth a box, use from the "extended primitives" a "chamfer box"... the result is the same, but the chamfer box" has less polygons ! Tip 7 Sometimes all your Vertexes disappear during modeling of an object. To fix this bug try this options: a) Convert your object again to an editable poly. b) Convert your object to an editable mesh and then to an editable poly. c) Save the file, Exit from 3Ds max and open again the file. d) Save the file, Exit from 3Ds max and merge the object in a new file. Tip 8 The best light to create Highlights is the Omni light (or MR Omni). Tip 9 Do not use "area shadows" in Mental Ray, they are very slow and not optimized for Mental Ray. The best/fastest result is visible when you use Raytrace shadows. If you are working with the "light-tracer" than you can use "area shadows". The result is the same as in MentalRay with Raytrace shadows. Tip 10 (For beginners) When you are working sometimes you can't anymore move your object. Probably you have pressed the key X. Press again X to enable the move tool (GIZMO). Similar problem: You can select only one object, all other objects can't be selected anymore: probably you have pressed SPACE and locked the object. Press again SPACE to unlock it. Tip 11 When you create a "loft" object it can happen that the end or beginning of the object has an error. To fix the problem you should choose "CORNER" vertex on the first and last vertex of your spline. Tip 12 Download ALWAYS the last service-pack for your 3Ds Max version. It will fix important bugs. Tip 13 There can be only 2 mistakes when your extruded (spline + extrude modifier) object has an error: a) you have overlapping segments in your spline. b) the shape is not closed-check where you did not weld the vertexes. Tip 14 If you use splines to create shapes, try to use a very small number of vertexes. If you convert the vertexes in smooth/bezier/bezier-corner you can create very organic and round shapes without a too high number of vertexes (same tip for loft in deformations-scale-panel). Tip 15 If your interface/panel disappeared you have this options to fix the problem: a.) Maybe You are in the "expert" mode...press CTR+x... b.) Customize > Customize User Interface > Toolbars Tab > Reset! c.) "Start" button on windows > Autodesk > 3Ds Max > change graphics mode ! d.) There should be a 3dsmax.ini file in ur max folder...delete it and start 3Ds Max again... e.) Customize > load custom UI scheme.
  14. Modelling 1. Meshsmooth only the selected faces by un-checking the 'apply to entire mesh' box in the options. 2. If you use Non-uniform scaling (scaling in less than all 3 axes at the same time) on a model it will cause distortion problems when animating, however non-uniform scaling within a sub-object mode will not cause the same problems. 3. When in Edit Poly or Mesh, hitting 1,2,3,4 etc will cycle through the sub-object selections, and when in edit poly hiting 6 will take you out of the subobject mode. Also, Ctrl + B will cycle in/out of sub object mode. 4. Alt+X = See-though or X-Ray mode 5. To rotate around a particular vertex, select your object (or set of sub-objects) lock the selection, choose either or from the drop down list, turn on vertex snap and rotate it all by clicking on the vertex you wish as the pivot. (CLICK HERE for more tips and trick free 3d models all3dmodel.com) 6. When in sub-poly mode, creating your own keyboard shortcuts can save oodles of time. Rather than scrolling up and down looking for "connect" and "target weld". Just assign "ALT-C" and "ALT-W" for example. 7.When modelling things at odd angles, (ie, arms, hands, feet etc) it helps to create an instance of the object, straighten it out and work on that instead. 8. Pressing + and - changes the size of the transform gizmo. 9. A sub-object selection in Edit Poly can be transfered over to another one by holding down Ctrl and clicking another mode button in the modifiy panel selection rollout. This is particularly good for the 'Ring' and 'Loop' commands in edge mode of edit poly. Alternatively selecting the edges/verts .etc around and area (in effect, selecting a perimeter) and holding Shift whilst clicking a different selection mode will transfer over only the parts within the perimeter of the original selection. 10. The FFD modifier is a good tool for deforming meshes, its can be applied to a single mesh or multiple meshes simultaneously. 11. In later versions of max, hitting Ctrl+Backspace will remove both the edge and the vertex when in edge subobject mode. 12.Holding down CTRL when creating a a sphere, cylinder, teapot, etc. will allow you to rotate as you create. Holdings down CTRL when creating a box, pyramid, plane, etc. will create an object with even length/width. 13. When modeling wrinkles, folds, etc, on a curved surface, instead of moving your row of edges on 1 axis, convert the selection to Vertex (Ctrl + Click Vertex button under the stack) and switch your coordinate system to Local. Now, moving the slection on the Z axis will move them perpendicularly to the surface. Alternatively you can use the 'Normal' constraint found in the edit poly modify panel for the same effect although this is only in later versions of max. 14. Modifiers such as Push and Noise can be applied to a soft selection on the previous modifier so their 'strength' varies accordingly. 15. To stop an object turning grey when freezing it, uncheck the 'show frozen in grey' in the object's porperties window. 16. Some spinner values that are limited can have that limitation overridden. But ONLY if they are animatable. Create a key in Track View for that parameter and edit its value there. Now you can Relax by a negative amount or Spherify more than 100%.
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