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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, I have a big problem with vray physical camera, when I render the complete scene it looks dark like there isnt no gamma or SRGB, but when I render a small region it looks fine. I'm using a vray light dome with an HDRI and vray physical camera in 3ds max 2015.
  2. Hey Everybody, just wanted to see if anybody had any suggestions as to how to duplicate this effect with camera settings in one rendering if possible. I have a small bedroom with a single point of light illuminating the room... I simply want to emphasize the effect of the single point of light coming into the room without over exposing the rest of the room. see example of what i'm aiming for.
  3. Hello I am trying to render an indoor scene that has no windows and the door is closed. Allthough it is daylight outside, no light can come in. I am going to put two fluorescent lights on the ceilings. I am new to 3ds max and I don't know how to set the exposure and light settings right. My questions are two fold 1) What should I set for exposure value taking into consideration the lights? 2) What value should I set for the intensity (cd or lm) of the fluorescent lights? I would greatly appreciate your help on this.
  4. I'm perplexed be the exposure settings, in relation to the scene, when attempting to create a balanced/calibrated scene (eg: grey material + light + exposure + render = grey is grey). Although I can get the desired grey, it's just that the the exposure (or something) is just not behaving as I would expect. I don't believe this is a gamma issue, and I'm reasonably confident with V-Ray, but this is weird.... The scene has: VRaylight Dome, Multiplier 30, color is 255,255,255 VRay Plane: Simple Vray Material (default), 128,128,128 VRayLightMeter: 1m x 1m, Total Illuminance, Lux = 7970 (EV 11.5) Background: color 128,128,128 VRay Exposure Control: Photographic mode, Shutter speed 125, f-no 9.8, ISO 100, White balance = Neutral VFB, Pixel Information Color (8bit): Reads 128,128,128 (so that is fine but...) My query is: To maintain a grey of 128,128,128 why do I have to set the f-number to 9.8 ?! I assume that if these elements are to behave logically together; in a physically accurate approximation, should they not require an f-stop of 12.5 (or at least something less arbitrary than 9.8) ? note: Additionally, the Render settings follow a LWF, and the V-Ray Environment skylight override is checked and set to black, so the background doesn't contribute light. So, can any shed some light on this? (oh no - unintended poor pun!) If your wondering why it matters to me, this is a test scene I'm doing to consolidate my understanding of these components together. So I can confidently light and expose my scenes with real world parameters throughout the workflow. An f-stop of 9.8 in this scenario, just doesn't fit my understanding at the moment. I'd hate to find out the VRay exposure, lights, or lightmeter are unreliable, so hopefully I have just miscalculated.
  5. Hi there, I'm currently working on a project and have some difficulties with Vray Camera. (3Ds max 2012) It's a technical vis in a small scale (a few cm). Exposure is adjusted fine. To show a detail I have to zoom in and out. While zooming in the exposure goes down (which seems plausibel as less light from the scene hits my sensor). To have the exposure correct while zoomed in I animated the ISO. (not the best way but as it's a technical demo I don't want more dof or what ever, everything just should stay the same) Now for the strange part. bevore rendering the whole movie I made a few testframes. All perfectly exposed. But when I render the whole animation (every frame) the exposure around the Zoom goes way off (too bright). Some times the images get brighter even before the actual zoom (and there fore the isochange) takes place. I tried to use a Moviecam and a Stillcam. No exposurecontroll or from Vray camera (which works out the same). Also tryed to use a linear and smooth curve on the animated ISO. I use of course Singleframe mode for GI, because I fade in and move a lot of objects in the scene. The effect only appears with GI on and animated Iso. The thing I really don't get ist why the single frame previews look fine and the animation is off! Even if my GI is set to singleframe mode (isn't it supposed to dump the IR after every frame?) Thankful for any comments, Stefan
  6. Hi guys, I'm new here and new to V-ray too. My english is poor cause i'm still learning it (I'm brazilian) But I have a question that a can't find in the internet, and it's: why the preview of V-Ray 2.0 Exposure Control does not correspond to the final render, just like the mental ray exposure. I have tried the option exposure from vray camera, and the same thing happens. The preview is a lot diferent from the final render, the previw show a brighter scene, and when a render i get a dark image, it's make me crazy. Case the exposure it's affected for the settings of the control, but the preview it's aways diferent aways brighter. and I have to do a "render test" all the time. I interesting fact is, when I use the automatic exposure control, the preview shows the same light appearance of the render, but not the vray exposure. Please, someone can help-me?
  7. This is a question which has baffled me for a while. Should I use Exposure controls or not? My work generally includes Architectural rendering and product rendering using V-Ray. For the past year or two I haven't used any type of exposure control and haven't seen the need for it. To me it just seems like more settings to have to control for no gain. I realize there must be a good argument for using them but I haven't found it yet? Do most people use these settings, and if so, what are the benefits they are seeing? What am I missing? If it is simply to make the camera act more like a real camera in the real world I can do without them. Is there any benefit between using and not using these setting for V-Ray or MR? Thanks for clearing up this for me! Jimmie
  8. Hi everybody, I have an interior scene with VRaySun and VRaySky and some Skyportals, I use a standard camera but with VRay Exposure Control in the Environment Dialogue and I render either with Gamma in the Color Mapping rollout set to 1.0 or 2.2 with the Don't affect colors (adaption only) option ticked. When I add VRayLights to the scene to represent light bulbs they hardly add anything to the overall illumination. I set the Intensity Unit to Luminous power (lm) and test values between 1000 to 3000 lm, from what I gathered from a lamp/light reseller website that's round about what a 100W light bulb has, around 1000lm. But as I said, they hardly brighten the scene at all. The Colour Temperatur I set to round about 2700K, what gives it a yellowish tint. Is this due to that the exposure is set to work for the VRaySun? If you want to brighten a particular part of the image, how would you do that, since the VRayLigts doesn't do much unless I set the lumen to like 50000 or so, but then it looks very strange for it is much brighter closer to the source and falls of vary rapidly; which I guess is due to the Inverse square law. Brighten it up in post? Or use "light cards" (not sure what it's it called) to bounce in extra lights, like photographers do? Thanks, cheer! //Kristoffer
  9. Hi everybody, I have an interior scene with VRaySun and VRaySky and some Skyportals, I use a standard camera but with VRay Exposure Control in the Environment Dialogue and I render either with Gamma in the Color Mapping rollout set to 1.0 or 2.2 with the Don't affect colors (adaption only) option ticked. I like using the HSV exponential Color Mapping type because it brings back the blue colors in the sky and makes the antialiasing of the edges around very bright areas a lot smoother. But all these color mapping related things, Color Mapping (anyone that is not Linear multipy), Exposure Control, VRayPhysicalCamera messes with the pixel values and breaks the Linear Workflow right? So when compositing render elements or, render layers/passes these need to be disabled to keep everything linear in the compositor, right?? Thanks, cheer! //Kristoffer
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