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Found 9 results

  1. Hello there I transfer the objects modeled in Revit to 3ds MAx as FBX. The unit settings of Revit and 3ds max are the same and the model looks correct scale. However, when I want to make some editing on the model, the measurements I have entered are reflected on the wrong scale. For example while extruding a polygon or inseting a polygon 1 centimeter size entered appears differently on the model. Is there a solution? Thank you
  2. Hi, guys. I've recently upgraded to max 2016 and everything was going smoothly until this NIGHTMARE happened: My methodology is always the same. regardless of which software I or my clients modelled in, i usually turn it into .dwg and from there to .FBX. Then i link it in 3ds max and have endless joy by just pressing a button to update the model whithout loosing any of the materials and modifiers. I've been working like this for years. But since i installed 2016, it bugs bigtime. I still haven't found exactly when and why it happens, but i think that after i restart the computer or whatever, the fbx«s don't update anymore. What happends it that it only imports whichever NEW LAYERS where created since the last update and deletes everything else. I IS A NIGHTMARE!!!! I have my imports and exports well configured, i guess. can't see where the problem may be. Any ideas, guys? I have a lot of work and am really in need of some insight. Cheers!
  3. Hey Guys, Fairly recently I released an update that added Oculus support, I posted this on r/Oculus and it got quite a bit of love, so I thought you guys might appreciate it as well. At the moment I'm working on getting some even tighter controls in it, but if anyone has any feedback that would be awesome. http://www.realis3d.com/download-now Hope you enjoy, Cheers.
  4. I have ~ 50MB .skp Sketchup8 file. I need to import this model to MAX 2010. Export to .3ds fails (reports somthing about Temp directory size, which I have plenty). I tried export to - FBX (1,500 MB) - DEA (53 MB) - DWG (58 MB) None of those exported file types completes import action. Any type I'm using cause my MAX to freeze. Any idea why it's happening? Which different way I should use for export skp so I'll be able to import in MAX?
  5. I've got an fbx model of site entourage (rpc objects) exported from revit. All are importing as dummy objects with nothing else linked to them. I have never had this issue with building models exported from revit. Is it because they were originally rpc objects? Is there an import option I need to set? Should the architect export using a different method? -dave
  6. Hello All, I'm trying to do some work with a Revit Model in Max Design 2012. I'm exporting the Revit Model as an FBX. I need to make sure all objects have a unique names when I import the FBX into Max. Having the objects use the the Element ID number as their name would be perfect.. but I have no idea how to go about this. Is there a way to rename the geo in Revit so that the top level name (I'm guessing family name - is the name that would otherwise be imported into Max) with a suffix of the element ID to make it unique? Cheers, D.
  7. Hi All, Would like to know more about FBX files ( files with .fbx extension). It is a technology and format developed by Autodesk. 1) What is the need for .fbx files? 2) Can .fbx files be exported to Maya, Max, XSI and vice versa ? 3) If Yes to (2) , how are the dependent maps textures and other mapped references packaged ? 4) Seen that AE CS5 / FCP / AVID can export/import the file format Could any one of you please give a brief description and explanation about this tech/file format. Experiences in using this file format, advantages, disadvantages etc Thank you Adarsh
  8. Hi, I am having great strife at the minute with trying to export a skp model from sketchup to max via the FBX format. The result is a flickering mass when viewed up close, but as you zoom out things look fine. Also when the quick render is enabled the geometry also appears fine. Is this a reliable method? Is there a way of removing the black and white triangulated flicker? Lastly, what preparation and exporting/ importing options should I be using in both Max and SketchUp for the FBX route. Is there a better route! Kind Regards.
  9. Does anyone know if there is a way to export a FBX model out of Revit without it triangulating?
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