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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone new how to fix an issue I'm having with the image below? I have tried everything I can think of, but I cannot get rid of the blotchy reflection. I would love some help on this, if anyone knows a way to fix my problem. Thanks (Sorry for the sideways picture)
  2. So I am having some difficulty with getting clean edges to render in my scene and am looking for guidance in how to solve it easily. I am using a skylight and some target spotlights to light a mostly white model with a mental ray arch & design semi glossy material. And for some reason, when I render the edges are showing some nasty shadows/dark spots along the edges. Why is this? I have found that by raising the final gather precision to "Very High", it eliminates these shadows, but the render then takes forever. And at work, I can't afford this time. I am including a screenshot of some of my render settings.
  3. I'm trying to create a basic animation of a building that I've modeled, but I'm having a few problems with the final gather solution. With Read/Write file enabled and as the animation progresses artifacts begin to appear and continually get worse. The first frame looks fine, but by the final frame the animation looks terrible. Strangely, if I render the final frame without Read/Write file enabled, the result is good. I was hoping to create a final gather map and then freeze it before rendering the final animation to avoid flickering and improve the render time (I don't have a very power full machine for rendering, just a laptop). I have included some images below so you can see for yourself. The first image is the 1st frame of the animation. The 2nd image is the final frame of the animation with read/write file enable (the one with the artifacts). And the final image is the last frame of the animation rendered with read/write file disabled. The scene is simply lit by a MR sun and MR sky with logarithmic exposure control enabled. The final gather settings are as follows FG Point density 3.0 Rays per FG point 1400 Interpolate over number of FG points 6 (I know this is pretty low, but if I have it any higher the weather boards start to look flat)
  4. Studio/Institution: N/A Genre: Other Software: 3DS Max - 2011 - Mental Ray Description: Creating an animation with production shaders and little glowing orbs. Any suggestions on the fg lock or fg map methods for this one? I'm trying to figure out the best animation settings so that I don't have to caculate the final gather for each frame. The current animation's settings are as follows: 1 - Mode: one file per frame (best for animations) 2 - Final gather map: incrementally add fg points to map files 3 - now I calculate fg and skip final render for each frame 4 - now I render out the animation with the reuse box checked, but unlocked.
  5. Ok. I have been having this issue for some time now. I get these dark blotches that appear almost exclusivley on the ceilings of my renderings. Usually I will fix them in photoshop but I'm doing a series of 360 frames for a camera pan across the room. It's way to much work to edit each individual frame. I've attached the image and my final gather settings. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have GI on w/ default settings. Thanks, T [ATTACH]34455[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]34456[/ATTACH]
  6. Hello, I am rendering an interior scene in Maya using global illumination and final gathering. My final images are being rendered at 1800px x 1200px, 300dpi. When I save my images and open them up in an external photo editing program (photoshop), all my images contain a ton of jpeg artifacts. Does anyone know how to get a clean render without these artifacts appearing in the final images? [ATTACH]33916[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33917[/ATTACH]
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