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Found 7 results

  1. Are you a software developer? Do you make plugins or filters for 3D or 2D graphics related apps? If so, CGPlugins.com is the perfect resource to feature your software for free. CGPlugins.com offers a platform for all software developers to post and feature their software so as to improve visibility, provide linking to your homepage and increase ranking for your product. For the rest of us, it serves as a growing repository of computer graphics related tools, at your fingertips. CGPlugins.com is the perfect repository for plugins related to: 3ds max Maya Modo Photoshop After Effects Nuke Houdini Blender Softimage Cinema 4D Flame And many, many more... Check out CGPlugins.com today and start posting your software for free.
  2. I’ve been wondering about the true benefits of 3D architectural visualisation. Are 3D architectural visualisations merely pretty pictures, or are they essential to the business of the client? For those who do 3D architectural visualisation and regularly work with clients, what, according to your experience, are the clients looking for when they are considering buying 3D architectural visualisation services? If you have the time, please could you chime in with your thoughts on this. I’ve drawn up a list of questions that I would love to get answers to. For the purpose of these questions, a client can be anybody (architects, builders, property developers, real estate agents, etc.): What sort of business results do the clients expect from 3D visualisation services beyond simply pretty pictures? What are the specific problems the client wants resolved that 3D architectural visualisations can help with? What impact do 3D architectural visualisations have on the business results of your client? Is there any data available that shows this impact? Specifically, is there any data that suggests that a client who uses 3D renderings in their marketing (even if they are low quality) is more likely to sell a property than a client who doesn’t? Do 3D architectural visualisations help in terms of saving time for the client? If so, how? What are the specific fears and reservations that the clients have when deciding whether or not to purchase 3D visualisation services? Aside from the images themselves, what other intangible benefits do the clients look for? Thanks for your time. Much appreciated.
  3. Hi, Is there anyone offering both services? Photography+Visualizations? I'd like to start my path on Architectural Photography as service for clients but I already make visualizations. I'm wondering if it is wise to mix the two services as this could be seen not very professional but on the other end the target is the same. any experience on that? thank you Alessandro
  4. I am pretty much interested on putting my material on one of this two mainstream site due some personal reason. §I noticed Flicker do not "abuse" original format image, is quite simple as utilization and layout, And I figure out is easy to manage embree and attachment everywhere from it Tumblr seems similiar but I am not enough into in it for doin a pro cons differences
  5. Hi everyone. I graduated in architecture, worked in a practice for 6 months & decided to go at it alone, giving me the freedom to work in 3d visualization software, instead of autocad lite. I've been working as an outside consultant for a large retailer in the uk, visualizing their schemes, before they roll them out in their stores. I was very fortunate have a contact within the company & appreciate that not everyone is quite so lucky. However, now i am trying to branch out. I've been at the Princes Trust(UK business start up charity) writing a business plan & currently i'm trying to identify possible clients & industries that could take advantage architectural visualization . If you could add to the list i would be very grateful: • architects • property developers • estate agents • planning consultants • local authorities, putting their construction work out to tender • marketing agencies I couldn't find a similar post, so hopefully we can create a comprehensive list to aid all aspiring architectural visualizers looking for work Thanks Edward
  6. Hi All, As most of us are in the arch-vis business creating full 3D renderings often costing several hundred dollars or more, what are your thoughts on this emerging area in the real estate market called Virtual Staging which seemingly is producing images from existing photos for typically as low as $50! even here in NY! I am asking because I recently had a client inquire about such services, where I normally would have done a traditional rendering. How is it possible to do this work for soo cheap & are you familiar with what process/technique they are utilizing? I was curious if it was just camera matching an existing photo in the viewport & just placing 3D models in Max or is it strictly 2D PS type compositing?..if so, what kind of resources/software do you think they are using for the furnishings placed in these scenes...are they 3d or just images shot from varying angles? Anyone familiar with what techniques / skills are being utilized to create these images?...granted they are not as accurate in terms of lighting & perspective as traditional renderings can be, but for the price I can see how they are an appealing alternative for existing properties...see below links & attachments as an example: http://whatuexpect.com/vir.html http://www.propertyeffects.com/virtual-home-staging-software.html http://www.virtualhousestaging.com/ Thanks, Bohb
  7. I am considering doing some advertising for my fledgling company, and have a few things running through my mind that I'd like to get some feedback from people in this particular industry. The focus of my business is ArchViz, and I know that's a shakey place to be right now, but I have a 2nd home-based business (Arch Photography) that's been going pretty stable and steady for 10+ years. I'm using the surplus from the photo business to start-up the other. Anyway, I'm thinking of advertising and I can think of 3 industries that would be worth targeting: a) home builders b) architects (firms and/or small operators) c) advertising agencies I've done photography work for all three, and I think all three would be good candidates for ArchViz work. a) Home Builders - because they ...er... build houses and I've done a LOT of photography of Display Homes. The pitch would be that it's far cheaper to build a house inside the computer than in the real world. b) Architects - because they have so many plans that they would (hopefully) like to see build, ArchViz would be a great way to virtualise and visualise their plans. c) Ad Agencies - I've done some work with them, but they can be really pedantic and are almost like Middle Men (since my Ultimate client is their client). So, lots of to-ing and fro-ing. But they would have a fairly wide vista of different types of clients that might need some sort of visualisation service. === Another consideration is geography - where is construction least impacted by the current market downturn. More research is required, but the basic plan is to check online resources for things such as new construction loans, new building permits, hiring / firing patterns for construction workers, etc. === I'd be interested in some feedback, thoughts, opinion. While I've been 'networking' with my photography clients, I'd like to try to get more clients at least aware of my existance and hopefully sign them up for some work. Thanks everyone.
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