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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I created a room, with 4 walls. Each one of them have different material (paint, ceramic tiles, wood panels). Created Poly IDs for each of the wall to be able using "Multi/Sub-object material" assing 4 different materials. However i need to eddit scale and mapping of ceramic tiles, but when i do it using "UVW Map" it changes the way other walls looks like (paint, wood panels). Can someone please help me to understand how to do it properly? Thanks, Jakub
  2. I would like to create a polygon from vertices in 3ds Max. When I try to create the polygon it says illegal new face. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Hi , ive created this simple building and used boolean to cut some areas. now i got a really messed up topology which makes it real hard for texturing matters. how do i fix those edges highlighted in the picture. i want to make them as one solid quad rather than having multiple triangle shaped faces. would greatly appreciate any tips/advice. thanks
  4. hey guys, im trying to sub-divide a single multi-sided polygon to have a nice square grid on it. im using 3dsmax 2011 just wondering if anyone knows of a easy method to do this or if i have a heap of labour work ahead of me?
  5. This is my first time using 3dsmax to do an arch viz scene, but without any cars or trees loaded, it's at 350k polys, and I have some trees and cars from evermotion, but they are at 400k polygon each! If I want to add a few, that will easy surpass a 2 mil poly count. I am using a standard "gamer" laptop and I can barely spin around as is with the 350k poly. Graphics nvidia 460M 1.5GB 16 GB Ram i7 Cpu. So my question is, is it normal to surpass 2 million polygons and is it normal to get 0.5 fps at 350k polygons? Everything was just imported from sketchup, and sketchup doesn't lag at all... I've set my driver to Direct3D and is there some sort of configuration to reduce this insane lag for my computer? This is so unbearable that I want to cry! Which is the reason I never tried learning Max because I always think I don't have the raw computer power for it.
  6. Hello folks, I just recorded 3ds max beginner tutorial - model a computer fan in 3ds max by Alex Moroz. This is a polygon sub division tutorial that is step by step for a beginner. You will learn polygon modeling with polygons, vertex and edges. Here is a playlist on youtube. Let me know what do you think. Thank you.
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