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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I am getting some horrible results with the bright portion of the image looking perfectly fine and the black shadows looking awful. I suspect that this is some kind of a contrast problem. The image looks exactly the same like that without any rendering in 3Ds Max 2015 and 2016. I use Vray Material and then choose bitmap and put a high resolution jpg file on top of it which looks perfectly fine in windows. Thanks for looking. Please help.
  2. Hi all, Working on a rendering and using an HDRI in a vray light done for the first time. The Sky is from CG-Source. (link: http://www.cg-source.com/details_hdrisky.php?id=0083-04&pricat=sky) I am also using Linear Workflow. Im still in draft stage of this, so ignore the bad textures /strange revit topography. I can't seem to get the sky to look bright like it does in the sample on their website without overexposing the model. I've tried tons of different vray camera settings and ive tried messing with the multipliers on the vrayHDRI but I just can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any ideas as to what im doing wrong?
  3. Hey guys! Im having a major issue with Maxwell 2. All my renders look a bit washed out. Its like there is a grayish layer on top of them. Contrast is low and colors are pale. I can somewhat resolve this in Photoshop but there is gotta be something Im doing wrong that causes this. However I never did experienced this problem in the first version of Maxwell. The funny thing is that the preview window shows a great looking image in terms of color and contrast. Ive searched several forums and havenot found any topic similar. Ive done a lot of test with both the Rhino plug and the studio version of Maxwell to try out different theories but all renders end up more or less washed out. Anyone that has an idea of what could be causing this? Or how do you go about to get rich contrast in your renders? Thx, Nils
  4. Using VRay for SU v.01.05.30 (we had to revert back for some reason known only to our IT dept) I'm brand new to VRay, and totally appreciate that I'm only going to fully get my answers through experience. However, I thought this might be a useful question. I've looked at many threads that discuss interior lighting settings. Multiple experts seem to prefer wildly different settings for exactly the same scene, and they all seem to work, because there appear to be many settings that affect brightness: ISO Shutter Speed F-number GI (sky, in my case) Multiplier GI Texture Common (Sky) Multiplier GI Texture General Intensity Multiplier (I think this is another sun multiplier, but it's unclear) Background Multiplier Background Texture Common (Bitmap) Multiplier GI Contrast Base? I'm probably forgetting a few, or not sure what all the setting are that I'm using. But in general, it seems that increasing the ISO and decreasing the shutter speed, for example, might balance eachother out and give you very similar, if not exactly the same, output. What I'm hoping to find is the magic variables that allow me to decrease the contrast between the daylight coming into the room and the ambient lighting inside the room. I see a lot of people put hidden rectangular lights on the windows, but I was hoping to find a setting that doesn't mean adding this construction. To put it another way, I want to brighten the interior of the room without changing the sunlight intensity directly hitting the floor, or keep the interior brightness and decrease the sunlight intensity directly hitting the floor. Either way, because I have so many ways to easily change the brightness of everything. Thanks in advance.
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