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Found 4 results

  1. So I'm trying to render a scene with a round skylight in the ceiling that has frosted glass in order to diffuse the light coming through instead of casting a direct shadow. I know I can adjust the sun properties to fade the shadows more but that will affect the shadows throughout the scene from other windows and I don't want that. Is there a certain glass material or material property I can use that will diffuse the sunlight that passes through it into soft shadows? Here's a simplified example of the scene mechanics I've having trouble with. I want the light cast on the ground to be more diffuse/blurred:
  2. Hellooo I am having some strange issues with the Vray RawLight render pass. This is what is looks like: As you can see it seems to be projecting the diffuse map onto the mesh for some strange reason. The small rivets and rustyness are from the texture and should not be there. This is happening to ALL my objects lately (it worked in the past, which leads me to believe it's a render setting). The only thing that should affect rawLight are the lights in the scene! Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi again I would like to render an object that has SSS. I have a diffuse map and sub surface map plugged in and my diffuse amount is set to 0. But when I render my passes, my diffuse and lighting are black and my SSS pass is full, obviously because I set diffuse to 0. So I set diffuse to 1 which makes the diffuse and lighting pass normal, but the SSS is now black. I don't want to set the number anywhere in between 0 and 1 because then either the diffuse or SSS will not be showing it's true 100% value. So my question is, how can I render a full value SSS pass while not affecting any of my other passes? Thanks!
  4. I'm setting up some shaders for my library and sometimes when I set a diffuse color value it changes after I close/re-open the color picker. I checked MANY times and it's still happening. Perhaps this was always the case and I never saw it until now? The HSV went from 25,159,6 to 21,170,6 but the RGB sliders don't change. What the deuce!?
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