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Found 10 results

  1. Studio/Institution: Personal Genre: Residential Interior Software: Vray, 3ds max Description: I'd really appreciate some feedback on this image. I've been away from archviz for a while and have recently jumped back in. Any improvements would be greatly appreciated along with how to implement them. Thanks
  2. Studio/Institution: Personal Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: Sketchup, Octane, Photoshop Description: Hello, I'm in the process of improving my renders for my portfolio. I'm aiming for a forgotten/abandoned dystopian theme with this one. I've attached the original for reference. Any advice, tips, criticism is gladly welcomed. Thanks!
  3. Studio/Institution: SVM Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3ds max, Vray, & photoshop Description: Hello, I'm looking for any and all critiques please. This ski village ice rink is a personal project for practice. I have one view so far. Also, any recommendations for other forums to get critiques from 3D artists? Seems like there are many, but quality critiques are superlative! Thanks, Josh
  4. Studio/Institution: SVM Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds max, Vray, & photoshop Description: Hello all, I'm working on this building of lofts for a site in Colorado. I had to come up with the architectural concept as well. It got a bit stylized, so I'm curious what you guys think. Is it unremarkable? lol Thanks, Josh
  5. Studio/Institution: Monash University Genre: Institution Software: Rhinoceros, VRay, Photoshop Description: Hi all. For class this semester, we were tasked with re-designing a building on campus which received no interior light whatsoever. My group's response was to use an atrium channeling the light using reflector panels. I was just wondering if anyone had any improvements I could make in terms of the lighting / post-processing, as it feels little harsh (if that makes any sense) and I'm not quite sure how to fix that. Thanks in advance!
  6. Studio/Institution: Ruhl Walker Architects Genre: Residential Interior Software: Sketchup Make + Twilight Render Description: Good morning good forum people, I am in the process of rendering a loft-like interior for a project that was never built. I haven't done much photorealistic work before, so I am having some trouble getting to a good place with the imagery. Here is a draft of the view to the kitchen, and as you can see, it looks a little too clean, and doesn't have much life. I worked hard on the materials, including the wood veneers, but I feel like they aren't coming through in the image. Can anyone offer me any direction on this image, where should start to bring this to the next level? I haven't done this enough to know where to go. Thanks Keith
  7. Studio/Institution: Resonance Media + Design Genre: Residential Exterior Software: Blender(Cycles Render) Website: http://www.resonancemedia.ca Description: Update to ArchVis project "Solis Vitrum House" - Worked on building structure, some textures. Still to do, interiors and wood texture tweaking. This is actually a Blender Cycles render, but would like to improve the realism of the shot, similar to what can be achieved with V-Ray. I think it looks reasonably good, but I really love the way that some V-Ray renders really do look like photographs, and would like to improve towards that level of realism. I know that few/none of the people here are using Blender, but I'm looking for cross-platform advice, then I'll figure out how to implement it. Any suggestions?
  8. Studio/Institution: 2500degrees Genre: Residential Interior Software: Maya + Mental Ray Website: http://2500degrees.co.uk Description: Here's my WIP of my kitchen. its not great but its a start I guess . I'm looking for comments, and any advice I can get. at the moment I'm just starting off in the visualizing business and looking to create visuals to get hired. any comments will help! Thanks in advance Rob
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44690[/ATTACH]this is really annoying ive tried changing every setting but nothing had any affect.. for some reason its blurred sand showing some weird light samples.. (the larger i go, the more blurry it is). ive attached my vray settings too.. the living room has 7 ies lights and 3 vraylightmtrl for the chandelier. please heellpp i want proper renders :S damn iray was so easy [ATTACH=CONFIG]44691[/ATTACH]
  10. Well, finally got a first render of the kitchen done. Still very early, but wanted to get it out there. Still need to get a lot more entourage for detailing, a meals table, some chairs, down lights from the ceiling, and furniture for the family area (it's open plan). There will be some modelling outside the windows, too. One door will lead to an outdoor entertaining area (Spa, 3 or 4 outdoor tables, chairs), while another door will lead to the covered area with a BBQ grill, another table (suitable for breakfasts-for-2, or for a small family). Laterns, tiki torches, concrete, grass in the back yard, and a fence to hide the horizon. This is the same house as the master bedroom and living room from my earlier WIPs. Notice the view down the corridor, showing the front door and table. self-crit: not very happy with the marbling on the kitchen island benchtop - it's a stone pro-material, but I must have a setting off. don't like the stove/oven. comments: the island and the main bench is exactly 0.9m, as per the interior elevations. The Stove, fridge and sink/food prep area form the 'Work Triangle', and any one is no more than 1.8m apart from any other triangle part. spotlight in the range hood is 1500 candelas back splash covers entire wall of cooking area, as per interior elevations and is a shiny, glassy material. Same daylight system as in other parts of the same physical house, with 4 skylights pouring light into the area Low AA settings, so there will be noise in these render. Damn, I'd better get started! cam 1 cam 2 c&c welcomed
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