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  1. Studio/Institution: Custura Images Client: Family friend Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds Max, Photoshop, Corona Website: http://behance.net/arthrur Description: Hi everyone! This is my very first time posting here. I'm not really sure what I can do more to make this image pop or at least for the time being. I saw different threads here and people were very generous to give tips and ideas so I would love to hear what you guys think. I mean architecture is agreed upon so changing it that much wouldn't be reasonable but who knows as I might just change it completely if it makes sense! Thanks!
  2. Hello, I want to start off by saying that I don't have a formal education in either architecture or design and I'm interested in making architectural visualization as part of my career. So I want to find some books mostly, but really it can be any learning material, that can help me better understand how to create a building, design the interior, create landscapes for an exterior scene, basically the creative part, the decision making process (why add this, why add that, etc). I've watched videos, tutorials, courses on architectural visualization but most of the information is technical, there is very little on the creative process. I already know how to work with 3D software (3ds Max and Blender) and have made some projects, but I'm not really happy with the results. For anyone interested, I upload my work on artstation here. So any recommendations for me to improve on the creative side is most welcomed. Thanks!
  3. Studio/Institution: Personal Work Genre: Residential Exterior Software: SketchUp 2016, 3DS Max Design 2015 ,Vray 3.50 Description: Need critique to improve the image. Looking at making it sharp The sunlight doesn’t seem very realistic. The white render on the walls is not crisp, I’d like the building edges to be a lot sharper. I have attached a reference image of the look and feel I’d like to go for as well as my render settings for comments. Thank you. Reference Image Credit: All Nem Sunga The GH House Challenge.
  4. Studio/Institution: VRaySchool Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3dsmax, vray Website: http://www.vrayschool.com Description: Hey CGArchitect community - Long time no post Inspired by Kobi Karp Architects and Raymond Jungles I've came up with this image for our upcoming Masterclass "Photoshop for Architects" 3Dsmax, VRay and Photoshop. For more details visit https://vrayschool.com/course/photoshop-for-architects/ C&C are the mist welcome! Keep it real P.S. This image is interpretation of how Miami would look in 30 years from now. Since water levels are rising rapidly "Venice living" style would be the best solution for future of 2050
  5. Hello everyone ,this is my first post on forum . while ago I found this place with amazing eastern architecture and I decided to make a VR application from this building with unreal engine . the final result contains a free walkable windows application which users can interact with environment such as lights and day time . this video is an animation demo from the application to show the quality of engine rendering which has baked in about 2 hours and without any extra rendering time for whole animation , that was amazing that I had 5 gig image sequences in 2 mins after baking light and its magical for me as an old vray engine user . hope you enjoy and please watch HD .
  6. Hi I have been working on an exterior visualization that I've run into some problems with. General information about the scene: Revit model - imported into 3Ds Max rendered in V-Ray 3.40 V-ray settings posted Raw render posted (7000 x 4950px) Rendered on a Lenovo W530 Core i7, with 16 Gb Ram, NVIDIA Quadro K2000M My problem consists of two things. Noise/blurry image and render time. The render-time for the image were 21,5 hours. This is way too much for this kind of render. Also i think it is lacking sharpness in the textures. I hope some of you could help me, by taking a look at my posted render settings. Input is much appriciated. Hasse
  7. Hi all, I am trying to learn 3D architecture visualization and I am in the early stages of study. I am using a book titled, "3D Max Design Architecture Visualization" by Brian Smith (with other supporting authors). In this book he explains a preferred method in creating exterior walls using Loft & ProBooleans (staring on page 114). I've tried this method and it seems to work well especially in relation to cutting out the window and door areas. The example in the book has an exterior wall with the total even height all around the building (like the green wall in attached sample image). I am currently working on a cottage type of house that has several peaks along the roof line and I am wondering how to best approach this type of exterior wall where the roof line varies (like the purple wall in attached sample image). Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks much, Eric
  8. I need help with my render. I have tweaked the VRay render settings about a million times, changed the materials and even the lighting. I still don't have the realistic look I am after. I don't know what the problem is. Please, I need some help.
  9. Studio/Institution: Personal Work Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds Max 2013, Forest pack pro, photoshop Description: So all, My latest and greatest. Using Mental Ray Sun and Sky system. The place is in the Texas Hill country; vegetation is usually short and scrubby than what many of you are accustomed to. This is almost a raw render, just put the sky in and made a little blur. Before I make the big one, any comments? Additions? Composition? The gravel/stone drive to the right is washed out, I was planning on making two renders with different exposures and blending them in photoshop to get the balance right...
  10. Studio/Institution: INFX Studio, Chicago Client: confidential Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: Max VRay PS Website: http://www.INFXstudio.com Description: Hotel in Florida. This image is to be discarded in favor of a higher, broader shot... which will be tremendously ugly, so I figured I'd give this one an outing. I like the composition so Ill continue to work on it, filling out the background and uplight more of the palms. Maybe add a few people. Its all 3d with the exceptions of the rocky outcrop left and the sky. Rendered at 6k, this one is compressed for web, 3k. Feedback and suggestions welcome. Tom.
  11. Studio/Institution: Student Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3dsMax Description: Hello everyone, i have just graduated on master studies of architecture. During studies i didnt have enough time to improve my rendering and visualisation. So i decided better now than never. I am modeling in AutoCad and then importing files to 3dsMax where i render in vray. I have few questions: 1.On top is prinstcreen and bottom is targa file of render. Why is it so much brighter? 2.Wooden flooring looks blurred for some reason, diffuse map used is 8300x5000 3.Next to pool bed, you will notice something that looks like noise effect. I am using HSV Exponential color mapping. Every critique and advice will be greatly appreciated.
  12. Hey fellas, ive been working on this scene for a while. i got inspired by a photograph from a street in Quebec,Canada. im hoping i get to improve this scene with the help of you guys, so comments and critiques are more than welcome.
  13. Studio/Institution: Personal Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds max,Vray Description: Hey fellas, ive been working on this scene for a while. i got inspired by a photograph from a street in Quebec,Canada. im hoping i get to improve this scene with the help of you guys, so comments and critiques are more than welcome.
  14. Studio/Institution: The3DCie Client: Self training Genre: Residential Exterior Software: LightWave Website: http://flic.kr/ps/2zxmzW Description: Hello there, my first post on CGArchitect, mighty impressed by the overall quality of renders on this website ! As i have started doing a bit more architectural visualization recently i thought i would post my work as well, even if it's far from being as impressive as what one can find from the masters here ! Anyway, any comment welcome (but don't be too rude !) and in the meantime i'll post some more renders. Thanks for reading, Cheers, Laurent.
  15. Studio/Institution: Pizza Hut Genre: Retail Exterior Software: 3ds Max 2014 w/ Mental Ray Description: Hello all! I've followed much advice I've received from the forum over the past few weeks and believe my renders + compositing is really turning around. I have attached a rendering I just completed of a Pizza Hut job we are doing. I'm rendering it out at 4 different angles and then a night scene with interior shot to go with it. Cars/trees/plants are Evermotion, People are AXYZ, concrete material is Arroway Any tips or advice you have to increase the realism or stylize the scene would be great. Thanks!! Lighting was done with a daylight system (no HDRI). All materials (except cars) are A&D using corrected IOR.
  16. Studio/Institution: DanRodgers3D Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: ArchiCAD 16, 3ds max 2013, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://dantrodgers.wordpress.com Description: This is my first of 2 final year projects for Uni. The centre is designed to be mixed use, both offices and labs/workshops for engineers. This project will have pretty slow progress as the visualisations aren't marked for my course, its more of a hobby so will have to take a back seat if other workloads increase. any c&c would be great. Cheers
  17. Studio/Institution: At Etude Genre: Residential Exterior Software: Sketchup, Vray, Photoshop Description: Hello everyone. I'm new here so hopefully I'm in the right forum for this kind of questions. Here is one of my latest renders. From what I can tell there is definitely something wrong with it but after staring at it for days I can no longer tell good from bad and I'm giving up on it. Client is happy, I'm getting paid for this render but I just can't let it go. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Cheers.
  18. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization).
  19. Studio/Institution: Flicker Studios Client: Nanda Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3Ds Max | Vray Website: http://www.flickerstudios.com Description:
  20. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization).
  21. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization).
  22. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization). Comment, please)
  23. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization).
  24. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization). Contact and comment us, please)
  25. Studio/Institution: art di line Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds max, Vray, Photoshop Website: http://www.art-di-line.com Description: Hello, we are art di line company. We would like to introduce ourself. We specialize in design and 3d visualization (interior, exterior, commercial, object). We love what we do and are ready to offer their services. Some of our work you can visit at our website http://www.art-di-line.com Our prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't be shy to contact us: artdiline@gmail.com Thank you for watching, art di line company (design and 3d visualization).
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