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Found 11 results

  1. I'm working on some "high concept architecture" renderings that started with a series of irregular vector floors, currently in spline form. I want to create a solid surface that seamlessly blends the floors together on the outside. In other words, creating a continuous mesh such that each spline is a cross section of it. I tried converting all the splines to NURBS, attaching them, then using U Loft, which ended up being a tedious mess (although I'm a NURBS noob and potentially missing something). It seems that since they are a bunch of little curve segments rather than one continuous one, things are not matching up. I have tried the "Convex hull" maxscript, but it is extremely slow and prone to crashing on the more complex shapes. I can only do one "floor" at a time, and even then, it ignores crevices for a crude, polygonal look. A script called "Encapsulator" seems like it would do the trick, but just instacrashes Max. I'm open to other software at this point. Any guidance appreciated here!
  2. Hi, I have a small problem with using Loft in 3Ds Max, as you can see in the image the shap does not follow the path. What I have to do to get it correctly? Thank you
  3. Hi all, I am trying to learn 3D architecture visualization and I am in the early stages of study. I am using a book titled, "3D Max Design Architecture Visualization" by Brian Smith (with other supporting authors). In this book he explains a preferred method in creating exterior walls using Loft & ProBooleans (staring on page 114). I've tried this method and it seems to work well especially in relation to cutting out the window and door areas. The example in the book has an exterior wall with the total even height all around the building (like the green wall in attached sample image). I am currently working on a cottage type of house that has several peaks along the roof line and I am wondering how to best approach this type of exterior wall where the roof line varies (like the purple wall in attached sample image). Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks much, Eric
  4. Hi all, I am trying to learn 3D architecture visualization and I am in the early stages of study. I am using a book titled, "3D Max Design Architecture Visualization" by Brian Smith (with other supporting authors). In this book he explains a preferred method in creating exterior walls using Loft & ProBooleans (staring on page 114). I've tried this method and it seems to work well especially in relation to cutting out the window and door areas. The example in the book has an exterior wall with a total even height all around the building (see green wall in attached sample image). I am currently working on a cottage type of house that has several peaks along the roof line and I am wondering how to best approach this type of exterior wall where the roof line varies (see purple wall in attached sample image). I'm looking for a way to perform a loft type of function that will take into account the peaks and I'm not sure if what would be the best method...a method that would later allow for the ProBoolean tool to cut out the window and door areas. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, Eric
  5. Here´s my latest scene with Modo 601. It´s an imported scene from sketchup. I hope you like it.
  6. Hello! I'm using sweep modifier to model classic furniture but in situations such as the one in the picture it acts weird and i have to work around it, rather then using a straight forward modeling method. Can you suggest something to make it work properly? I can't use banking because the profile will no longer be vertical, I had the same issues with loft compound object. I also tried a reset xform - did not work. normalize spline does not keep straight corners How I'm trying to create this: I created the spline in top view, mirrored it on the Z axis, attached it to the original spline, welded the vertices at the end of the splines, applied sweep modifier. So? Any ideas? Thank you
  7. Studio/Institution: Personnal work Genre: Residential Interior Software: 3ds max Description: Hi all, I'm new to the forum, this is my first post. I am here because I found this portal and I've seen a lot of professionals and highly skilled artist and very talented. That's why I'd like some feedback and criticism on my picture .. Thank you in advance ..
  8. Studio/Institution: BBB3viz Client: Personal work Genre: Residential Interior Software: 3ds Max 2010 / Vray Website: http://www.bbb3viz.com Description: One in a series of images based on the work of Fearon Hay Architects as photographed by Richard Powers. As usual, modeling and rendering done in 3ds Max and Vray. The flower models are by "Romlin" and "Tmin". The rest are mine. This was a personal project and learning exercise. You will find the whole set of renders here.
  9. Studio/Institution: deloprojet Client: me Genre: Residential Interior Software: 3ds Website: http://www.deloprojet.com Description: This is a visualization of the space of an apartment interior by following my design and my plans.
  10. Studio/Institution: Frameone Genre: Residential Interior Software: vray, 3dsmax, photoshop, mudbox Website: http://www.zancanaro.com Description: Hi my frieeends!! I was reviewing my old pictures and found this. I dont know if I had posted somewhere, but I thought interesting to see, here! At this time I was loving the Vray Fur Style hehe ... http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(1).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(2).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(3).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(4).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(5).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(6).jpg http://zancanaro.com/arquivos/loft%20(7).jpg Thank you!
  11. Studio/Institution: iMages Studio Client: Spazio Genre: Residential Interior Software: 3ds Max, vray, Photoshop, Fusion Website: http://www.i-mages.ru Description: Check out our new work. Comments are welcome!
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