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Found 9 results

  1. Better Window Shaders About this article In this video, Jonas Noell will build a realistic Windows Shader for a facade that goes beyond the basics. Apart from a nice Base Shader, he will add multiple additions to it in order to enhance the realism, such as Surface Variations, Reflection Distortions and Dirt Effects. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/09010b58-better-window-shaders
  2. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to render more dynamic and visually appealing Metal Shaders using 3ds Max and V-Ray 7 (applicable to older versions like V-Ray 5, NEXT, and beyond). https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/123e0d26-better-metal-shaders-for-studio-lighting
  3. Creating realistic gemstone shaders can seem daunting, but with the right techniques, it becomes a straightforward process. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build a stunning gemstone shader using V-Ray. The video covers essential steps like adding a normal map for surface details, exploring volumetric translucency to achieve realistic light scattering, and applying procedural displacement for extra depth. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/55f1f422-realistic-gemstone-shaders-in-v-ray
  4. Hi everybody, I am having a real problem finding some wallpaper textures for a bathroom that I am doing for a client. Can anybody point me in the right direction as to where I can find wallpaper textures from wallpaper companies that can be used in archviz projects and that are generally seamless? I don't want to violate any copyrights and the sample that I have been given is very specific (it's an image from a magazine). I have tried a Google Image search and others to find something similar, but no success. So I think my only recourse is wallpaper manufacturers, but I don't know how to go about it. Anybody with experience in this area, I would greatly appreciate your help! Here in the attachments is the image from the magazine that my client sent me.
  5. Hi, I'm in a final proccess of adding shaders in the tailights, but i'm habing problems at the of rendering a group of objects. They are 3 of them which overlap themselves, chromed metal, the internal glass and the external glass(02.jpg). When the external ins't rendered the internal has a good reflection, but when the external glass is rendered the internal one has an awful appearance because of the reflection overlapping(01.jpg). How do i do to the internal glass having the same appearance even with the external glass rendered? In tem 03.jpg there are the parameters which i've used to create the shaders. Thanks
  6. Anyone got some tried and tested values for a realistic basic standard 20th century red brick? I'm applying settings, with a reasonably good grasp of V-Ray shader settings, however I really haven't nailed a satisfying brick shader yet! ...I'm mean I can do an okay one but... Specifically I'm referring to values related to IOR, reflectivity, glossiness, bump, displacement, and output node, and map values. Getting a small amount of reflectivity and varying amount of glossiness, is where I'm struggling at the moment. Obviously, basic brick is very diffuse, however, everything has some reflectivity, and getting the balance just right may be more to do with the lighting scenario. I have an HDRI and a V-Ray Sun working together, but perhaps I need more foliage etc to bounce light off (onto the walls). Tried and tested values would be a useful guide in the right direction. C'mon guys, how do you set up your brick shader?! btw - this is just a work in progress so please ignore the unfinished scene; placeholder materials, mapping, etc.
  7. I'm setting up some shaders for my library and sometimes when I set a diffuse color value it changes after I close/re-open the color picker. I checked MANY times and it's still happening. Perhaps this was always the case and I never saw it until now? The HSV went from 25,159,6 to 21,170,6 but the RGB sliders don't change. What the deuce!?
  8. Hey guys. I'm a full time artist at a 3d Vis studio and were trying to work out a good efficient way to do water coming out of a shower. it doesn't need to move or animate at all (the simpler the better so we can re-use it ect) so its just for static shots in bathroom scenes ect just to add an extra touch of realism. I could just model the streams and make a water shader; but I wanted to see what sort of ideas people here might come up with to maybe generate it faster. Cheers
  9. hi everyone, i am choosing using vray or mental for my 3ds max rendering. i want to know which one is easier to learn and i am afraid that mental ray will take longer to set up. i know people will say learn mental ray first, because it's free and can also get the same result like vray....well, anyway, i still find it hard to decide which one to continue study, because neither one will be an easy learning subject. PS. I am hoping i can learn vray or mental in a month; i will use one hour per day. thanks everyone in advance.
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