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Found 12 results

  1. Hello dear all. this is my 2nd attempt to post it, didn't find my old... How is contemporary pipeline for doing terrain for render in 3ds max (v-ray) i have bought a new cool computer and started my project of Tiny Cabin on a lake. I try to use Substance painter and i have faced newbie problems with textel density and so on... there are so many beautiful Substance Atlases and Biomass Materials! i have been seen so many tutorials, but they are mostly for UE. I have a terrain and want to paint road, wich gradually changes to green, add pebbels, leafs. what i need to do? -make road in mesh. split into UDMS and paint road and green. then make a mask material in Substance Designer and making some variations wit Bercon tiles for a terrain (nooooooooo it is hard) Connect textured Road and terrain with Bercon together in Max. Hide the seam with Multiscatter/fotrestPack greens and pebbels? Maby, i need to add some additional program? Help me please with advise, before i started to do some stupid thinks. maybe tutorial?
  2. Hi All, Check out my New in-depth Video tutorial about, Photorealistic Lighting with 3ds Max and V-Ray. This in-depth step-by-step video tutorial takes users through the amazing process of, lighting, shading, texturing, and Rendering the Atrium. The First of a Four part series can be seen in the link below: http://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.com/2018/06/photorealistic-lighting-with-3ds-max.html I hope you like it :0) Ta J
  3. We would like to test a new thing at our office, and would like to give the task of tiling textures to someone who never did it before, barely did any 3d work so far. We scan our materials, so the textures are all looking good, but we need to do the tiling and we would like to see how hard it is for someone who never had a task like that before. Do you know any good video/tutorial that we could use for that purpose, a tutorial for beginners. As mentioned we scan the materials, so no need to remove gradient or noise from the texture, to get rid of reflections, only getting rid of the seams (although a video with an explanation of not only getting rid of the seams are good as well). We only know old tutorials from 5-10 years ago, and would like to use some newer ones. I am going through youtube and google, but it would help if someone could point to a video and says "that's good, try that", if you have any video you liked or remember that are good, please share it in the comments below. What videos/tutorials you know of that you would recommend? Thanks!
  4. Hi guys I am doing a distribuited rendering and obviously I ahve to share every maps I created a bercon maps but I do not know how to export it to a folder because I am using the procedural maps plugin
  5. Hi, I'm working on an interesting project but I have a ton of tedium ahead of me if I don't find a better way to accomplish it. I have bunch of equally sized planes. Each one needs a unique ambient map, alpha map, and displacement map. The mapping is simple: --The planes are square. --The map images are square. --I just need to "fill" each plane with the 3 unique map images. The compact material editor has a limit of 24 visible materials. (Argh, why so low?) I know I'm not limited to the amount of texture maps in my scene (at least I don't think so) but it's hard to manage. I find the Slate material editor to be a pain in its own way, since it requires so much dragging, rearranging, and clicking. I also keep accidentally overwriting old texture maps with new ones with it. Is there a good script/plugin for bulk mapping unique textures to objects? Ideally something that would let me set up some kind of "name-matching." (Like if I have a plane called "Plane 005" it would scan my map folder and look for "Alpha 005" and put it in the Alpha slot, same for Ambient and Displacement. With perfectly systematic texture/plane naming, this would be awesome!) If not, I'd settle with the ability to pull ALL unique Max objects into the Slate material editor via material ID and auto-arrange the panels. That would at least save some time. I need to do this with potentially thousands of textures, so I'm willing to go through some work to set up a better way to do this! I'm even willing to learn what I need to in MAXscript to make that happen, but I'm not sure it's even possible. Thanks, ~Kirsten
  6. Studio/Institution: polsl Genre: Other Software: 3ds max, vray Description: I'm a beginner at the very beginning. I know that texturing is bad but my main problem is lighting. I use hdri map in dome light (multipliers for hdri - 0,05 overall and 5 render; for dome light - 1) and vray plane lights in the windows (multiplier 5). My camera settings: f-number 3, shutter speed about 13, iso about 250. Although the walls, ceiling, floor etc. have reflection map, delicate bumps and high reflections subdivs, everything seems to be just flat, plastic,dull and looks way better in the viewport than on the actual render. Does it have to do with using low multiply value of dome light and adjusting only camera settings to make the render brighter? Is the lighting too uniform? (I don't want sharp shadows but some shadows are definitely desireable.) The bedroom render is not at all satisfying but looks a bit better than the other one. At least, the lighting is a bit more realistic and there is a kind of gradation of shades on the wall - not present in the second render. I know that photoshop can change a lot but I'd really like to learn how to make clean renders. I would be thankful for any advices, I still have some to work on my projects, so all your suggestions will be useful.
  7. I watched these tutorials by Ben Tate recently on the subject of UV mapping using the UnwrapUVW modifier and they really helped me get to grips with the subject. Thought I'd post the links in case anyone else is struggling to get to grips with the same thing. Part One Part Two
  8. Hi Ive got to make a library scene that is to be animated. What I want to do to simulate the books in it is by using boxes that have a map of a stack of books on them. Problem is somehow I am not being able to pull this off (only the spines of the books which are the maps look nice the rest of the box don't look like anything). Please does anybody have any ideas how I should go about this?
  9. Hello guys, I need help regarding modelling general clothings without using garment maker. I searched many forums and videos for cloth modelling but all of them use garment maker. I can model by using a plan and modifying it to make it look like cloth but the problem arises in unwraping where the final output comes with stretches near the seams and in bulged places. Is there any way to solve this problem?? you can suggest me some tutorials too... Thanks in advance
  10. Hey i am sharing premium 3d models in my site, if you want you can check it out, this is one of the 3d models: The models has differents formats: max/vray - fbx, obj, 3ds click to download
  11. Hey Everyone, I am a Maya hobbyist who has been working with it for maybe 5-6 years on and off. I would say that I'm "ok" at modeling, "ok" at animation (camera movements) and "ok" at my general understanding of Maya. I learn something all the time (I just learned how to apply the envsky to an image plane on a camera and was happy with the results). I use Maya 7 Unlimited (yes, I know it's old) and have read several of the reference guides/books that have been published. I am trying to model/render an outdoor scene of a park near my house (an old bath house). I have the model done and I'm trying to render but I can never get my renders to render "realistically". They always look cartoonish or just not up to snuff. My question is, how can I make my renders look more realistic? Please start with the basic concepts. Do I need to purchase a $1000 video card? I'm using a Dell 1510 Vostro laptop that does have the NVIDA card (I think that is right). Is it all about the textures? I actually am pretty good at lighting and my models that don't have textures or require anything other than walls looks pretty good. Anyway, I hope I can get some help. This has been a hurdle for me for a long time. Thanks everyone for helping out a noob!!! Chris, Baltimore
  12. This is hard to explain... Ok, what is the relationship b/t texture size and the size of your model in 3ds? For instance, if you modeled a 6 ft tall shack and you needed a wood material for it, and at some places, some dirt... how do you know how big to make your texture? I think the standard biggest size a texture should be is 1024 x 1024 yes? So let's say you imported a 1024 x 1024 texture for this 6 ft tall shack...how much of the shack would be covered before it would start to repeat? What is the resolution of models created in 3ds? And, another related question.. if you wanted the dirt on some parts of the shack, let's say in 2 random places, you obviously couldn't use the same texture and repeat it b/c of the dirt part. So how would you go about texturing it then? Would it be multiple textures used? It couldn't be one huge texture (like covering one whole side of the shack, which would get rid of the repeating problem) b/c it would need to be huge to be a sharp resolution to cover that space, yes? If the texture was too small, and it was used for a whole side of the shack (non-repeated), it would blur, correct? And stretch? So how do you know at what point blurring/stretching would occur? I hope I am clear enough here. Having trouble on how to word these questions
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