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Found 13 results

  1. I have a box with some of the faces removed and a shell modifier. When rendered you will see some of the outer faces and some inner faces. The question is, how to use outer faces to hide inner faces? I've tried using matte/shadow on outer faces but it will still show the alpha for inner faces. The only workaround I could see, would be to assign a matId to outer faces and using compositing software to cut by it. This seems to be a complex solution especially when having an atmosphere fog element pass. Isn't there a better way to make the outer faces be completely transparent (remove them from the object) as well as everything behind it that is a part of the same object? Maybe you have a better idea for this concrete example: I have a live action footage of a table which I need to explode. I therefore model the object and use thinking particles to destroy it. To composite those two things together I only need the debris that are flying away and the inner part of the table that is revealed. The table itself should come from the footage.
  2. I'm combining V-Ray passes with the formula provided: (VRayDiffuseFilter x (VRayRawLighting + VRayRawGlobalIllumination)) + (VRayRawReflection x VRayReflectionFilter) + (VRayRawRefraction x VRayRefractionFilter) + VRaySpecular + VRaySSS2 + VRaySelfIllumination + VRayCaustics + VRayAtmosphere + VRayBackground = RGB_Color (Beauty) However, it doesn't look the same as the beauty. Any help? Link to exr: dropbox.com/s/8vvkyi2lfn9iez3/scene6.0673.exr Link to nuke script: dropbox.com/s/e4eb5sytx1ue3zf/test.nk
  3. Hi all, Ive render my animation with "render by Layer" and save whole 360 frames in tiff format. And the result seems to be overlapped as shown in picture attached. Do i missed some settings?? ive try to save in Png. format, but it turns out the same..
  4. Like you can see in the image, the beauty pass looks correct, but the render passes are too bright and the highlights are clipping. I always composite my renders the same way: - Refraction (Linear Dodge) - Specular (Linear Dodge) - Reflection (Linear Dodge) - Lighting (Linear Dodge) - Global Illumination (Linear Dodge) This usually works fine, but something is wrong. Also, the alpha channel is showing white and grey rather than white and black. Anything I put behind there in Photoshop comes out white, regardless of what colour it is. I'm exporting to a 32bit EXR, with no frame buffer settings changed. I'm not sure if it matters, but I use Reinhard colour mapping with a burn value of .05 because I prefer how it looks and have been reccomended it by other people. I've done 3 renders with Reinhard and the first one was fine, the second was slightly different and this one is much different. I don't know what I am doing wrong, I appreciate any help.
  5. Hi guys. Can anyone advise me on whether it is still possible to match a 3D scene to a background photograph in Cinema 4D using points rather than perspective lines. 3DS max uses 'Campoints' which are quite effective (see this video ), and I'm aware that back before the camera calibration tag was introduced in R14, there was a third party plugin available for C4D from an outfit called Pano4D that also had this functionality (check out from about 2:25 onwards in this video ). The Pano4D plugin seems to be discontinued now and their website is inactive. The current system in the camera calibration tag that uses perspective lines may work well enough for basic 3D compositing, but I've found it to be very unreliable for accurately compositing architectural scenes, even into photographs that have identifiable x y and z axes. And in a situation where I have known / surveyed points in the photograph but no perspective lines, it is no use at all. If anyone knows of a current plugin for C4D that can match photos using points, or has another reliable methodology for this that they're willing to share, I'd love to hear from them. Thanks! Jeremy
  6. Hi there, I'd like to share a MAXScript that I just created and I think that might help some of you here. It's a MAXScript to render the AO Pass with white solid background. After the rendering process, your scene will be back to the state before the rendering process began, so you don't need to worry that the script will make any changes to your scene. Plus, this works regardless of what renderer you use for your main renderer because this script is based on mental ray and mr is always come in package with the 3ds max. the link: http://www.ariespranata.com/2014/11/freebies-maxscript-rendering-ao-pass.html the MAXScript is free, but I put ads on the link. I'd be really grateful if you find this script helpful and share the blog post instead of the direct download link. Cheers!
  7. You can watch tutorial on Evermotion site: Compose 3d object into photo
  8. Studio/Institution: Populous Client: Personal Genre: Other Software: MAX, AE, PShop Website: http://https://vimeo.com/user1723882 Description: I take breaks from architecture every now an again. For my latest I put together a short video to get people excited about an upcoming event in our office. I would love crits on the composited portions of the video. You should know when they are. ...if not, then I guess that's a compliment. https://vimeo.com/61311178 If you're up for it, please comment on any of my other works too! https://vimeo.com/user1723882 Thanks in advance for your honesty. Dan
  9. Hello mates, I've started to look into compositing with V-Ray Render Elements, so far I have come up with this formula for compositing: (DiffuseFilter * Raw GI) + (DiffuseFilter * Raw Light) + Reflection + Refraction Which gives you your original render but now you can colour correct the GI and direct light independently, as well as reflection and refraction. However, V-Ray has got a lot of more Elements, so there must be a lot more possibilities. How do you composite your Elements, what's your formula? Cheers!
  10. Studio/Institution: RangEmotions Client: commercial Genre: Other Software: 3dsmax, vray, nuke Website: http://rangemotions.livejournal.com Description: Here are several models from our recent project, hope you like them: Also you would find more information at our Blog
  11. Studio/Institution: digivisión Client: COTATUR Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3ds Max + Vray + PS CS3 Website: http://digivisionblog.blogspot.com/search/label/Dossier Description: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39007[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]39008[/ATTACH] Photo/Render montage. Photo matching technique. Compositing and color correction in PS. Urban improvement project. Calle 12 at Plaza Los Mangos, San Cristóbal, Venezuela. Google Earth: Lat: 7° 46' 14.7" Long: 72° 13' 7.49"
  12. Hi, I have to make some arch images but I'm not allowed to use Vray. With Vray, there is no problem having nice render pass. But I'm not able to have good results with MR and the A&D render elements. All pass are in really poor quality. Impossible to work with that. I used linear workflow, A&D mat, MR sun/sky, MR photo. exposure, and rather high render settings. I attached my test scene in max 2009 format. Does somebody have a workflow, some tricks or advice to improve that ? Thx for your help
  13. Hi, I'm kinda new to this forum (or actually forums in general). Also arch viz. I urgently need help with compositing a synthetic model of a proposed building into a photo using camera match in 3DS Max, Vray and a HDR lightprobe I've made. The problem is that I cannot get a good camera match as the background image is a stitched panoramic image (using PTGUI). I'm quite new to setting up a architectural visualization so any help is greatly appreciated. I've attach the panoramic image of the background (the building site) and the proposed building, so feel free to comment as how you would go about this project. Thanks
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