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Found 12 results

  1. I have a box with some of the faces removed and a shell modifier. When rendered you will see some of the outer faces and some inner faces. The question is, how to use outer faces to hide inner faces? I've tried using matte/shadow on outer faces but it will still show the alpha for inner faces. The only workaround I could see, would be to assign a matId to outer faces and using compositing software to cut by it. This seems to be a complex solution especially when having an atmosphere fog element pass. Isn't there a better way to make the outer faces be completely transparent (remove them from the object) as well as everything behind it that is a part of the same object? Maybe you have a better idea for this concrete example: I have a live action footage of a table which I need to explode. I therefore model the object and use thinking particles to destroy it. To composite those two things together I only need the debris that are flying away and the inner part of the table that is revealed. The table itself should come from the footage.
  2. Check out this New tutorial on; How to turn any project into a masterpiece, in minutes...consistently. It's fairly easy to turn an appealing 3d model, scene or design, into a great visual. However, most users won't have the privilege to be involved in appealing/amazing projects all the time. Hence, turning every 3d scene/project into great visuals can be extremely challenging at times. This step-by-step video tutorial takes users through the process of turning any project into a masterpiece, in less than 30 minutes. http://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/interior-design.html I hope you like it. Ta J
  3. Limitation in amount of characters in topic title. Full title question is: Is there any way to ultilize some (single or combination) VRay elements to generate a element which separates object surfaces in scene by VrayMtl? What I mean is a output element which contain solid colors in the way that each solid color represent a unique VRayMtl in scene (and the number of materials is a big number). Usually, we've got RenderID (separate object to each color and no object has same color nearby each other), but it is aliased and it only works for separate object. If the object is one single poly with Multisubobject material for each surface then it returns only one color for whole object. Then we've got Wirecolor which is very good (you can control color you want to separated and AA is better than renderID, etc...) but also the same issue. E.g when we've got a proxy object with multisub materials then the output element returns only 1 color for the whole object. Next thing is VrayMtlID but this one is very limited. 1st you've to set it up yourself. 2nd there're only 16 of them for all usage. Is there any method to generate a output channel that take less time to manually setup and still have clear separated color for each material in scene (like the way renderID create but with unique color for each vrayMtl)? Is it even possible. Thanks for reading.
  4. Hello, I'm geting weird colored noise on render elements. What I've worked out thus far this happens where sample rate is at it's maximum or maybe just geometry edges. I'm getting this in raw reflection, raw lighting, raw global illumination, raw total lighting. (raw reflection is fine) RAW total lighting: https://s12.postimg.org/bjxqxlrel/noise.jpg RAW global illumination: https://s3.postimg.org/8zb75cn9f/VRay_Raw_Global_Illumination_0025.jpg
  5. In 3ds max when i set vray material's Refraction parameter's Affect channels to "Color only" Vray LightSelect render element does not show light which comes through glass. But when i set to "All channels" i can see the lights in Vray LightSelect render element which is coming through glass. But the problem is that i can not set Refraction parameter's Affect channels to "All channels" in 3ds max because Vray Refraction render elements does not match to beauty pass with Linear Dodge (Add) blending mode in photoshop, it only matches when i set material's refraction parameter's Affect channels to "Color only".
  6. Vray lightSelect render element does not show light when glass appears in between vray light. But when i set material of glass affect channels mode "colors" to "all channels" i can see lights in vray lightselect render elements but vray refraction pass does not match in "All channels" mode of Linear dodge (Add) photoshop blending mode. Vray Refraction pass only matches when i set Color only in Affect channels.
  7. My Scene contains Lots Of Clear Glasses & Frosted Glasses. The Main Look Of The Design is on glass effects. But When It Time To Render frosted Glasses Part It Takes Un Natural Times. Pls Help To Reduce My Frosted Glass Render Time . Front View Takes 1 hr Which is Quite Perfect But The Perspective take 15 hrs+ Which is Not Natural.
  8. Hi there, I'm new to the forums and haven't been working with Vray for long, so excuse me if I am not so knowledgeable. I am trying to set up my scene for rendering with a few Render Elements, nothing too complicated. The scene is an interior illuminated with a Dome light, a VRay rectangle light and two stained glass windows that have a VRay Light Material applied to them. So, the elements that I am using (well, the ones relevant to the lighting of the scene) are GI, a Light Select for the dome light, another Light Select for the Rectangle Light, and Self Illumination for the stained glass windows. Everything seems correct to this point. The thing is, both stained glass windows have the Direct Illumination checker (under the Direct Illumination tab on the attributes of the Light Material) set as active, so the material emits light. And I don't know how to extract that light contribution to a separate render pass... The composite of my render passes doesn't look like the RGB pass, it's missing just that bit. Could anyone give me some hints on how to do it or point me to any tutorial? I have been looking for a while with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated Cheers!
  9. Hellooo I am having some strange issues with the Vray RawLight render pass. This is what is looks like: As you can see it seems to be projecting the diffuse map onto the mesh for some strange reason. The small rivets and rustyness are from the texture and should not be there. This is happening to ALL my objects lately (it worked in the past, which leads me to believe it's a render setting). The only thing that should affect rawLight are the lights in the scene! Thanks in advance!
  10. Hi again I would like to render an object that has SSS. I have a diffuse map and sub surface map plugged in and my diffuse amount is set to 0. But when I render my passes, my diffuse and lighting are black and my SSS pass is full, obviously because I set diffuse to 0. So I set diffuse to 1 which makes the diffuse and lighting pass normal, but the SSS is now black. I don't want to set the number anywhere in between 0 and 1 because then either the diffuse or SSS will not be showing it's true 100% value. So my question is, how can I render a full value SSS pass while not affecting any of my other passes? Thanks!
  11. Hi! I am having some strange issues with the Vray RawLight render pass. This is what is looks like: As you can see it seems to be projecting the diffuse map onto the mesh for some strange reason. The small rivets and rustyness are from the texture. This is happening to ALL my objects lately (it worked in the past, which leads me to believe it's a render setting). The only thing that should affect rawLight are the lights in the scene! Please help and thanks in advance!
  12. Hi Guys, Here's the situation. My scene is following: the row of vertical four sided bars that rotate. Each side of a bar has its own Object ID and in Render Elements I render each side as separate matte (to use in After Effects for image reveal - each side will reveal new image). When I try to render out those Matte passes I get very unwanted jagged edges on come of the sides (please see attache imaged). I tried to play with sampling settings, but can not find the right settings so to have no jagged edges when bars start to rotate (very thin matte) and when they finish rotation (thick matte), and at the same time have normal render times (like 1-2 minutes per frame, and not 6-8 minutes). I have filtering turned on in Render Elements settings. On the settings that are on the attached picture I have passable result, but when mattes of sides are real thin at the beginning of the rotation, some of them do not show up. Guys do you have any idea on which are good settings for sampling and rendering such passes? Or any other idea how I can render such passes with lower render times, but high quality passes? Thank you in advance. Cheers, David
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