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  1. The BEST Way to Create Roof Tiles in SketchUp Chaos' latest tutorial will walk you through three different methods for modeling realistic roof tiles in SketchUp. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/c2eda95e-the-best-way-to-create-roof-tiles-in-sketchup
  2. About this article Adding variation to your renders can greatly increase realism, and that's where the new V-Ray 7 features comes in handy: you can now have different variants of the same model from Chaos Cosmos, which is especially useful when dealing with vegetation. The video below was just posted by Chaos and shows how you can level up your scenes using V-Ray 7 and SketchUp. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/e97b8ea7-asset-variants-in-chaos-cosmos
  3. About this article Adding variation to your renders can greatly increase realism, and that's where the new V-Ray 7 features comes in handy: you can now have different variants of the same model from Chaos Cosmos, which is especially useful when dealing with vegetation. The video below was just posted by Chaos and shows how you can level up your scenes using V-Ray 7 and SketchUp. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/e97b8ea7-asset-variants-in-chaos-cosmos
  4. Chaos has just released an in-depth tutorial on the process of creating a bathroom, from start to finish, using V-Ray for SketchUp. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/d43bf285-crafting-a-bathroom-design-using-v-ray-for-sketchup
  5. Hey Just working on this piece, and wondering how to improve it. Yes there are quite a lot of scratches at the top, maybe too much, but I'm playing with the idea of keeping it, but open for change. Thoughts welcome on how to make it look better. Best T
  6. Will vray 6 still works if I install it in windows 7?
  7. Hello World, I am Jasmine @ Imagist3ds architecture visualization studio. If you are have architectural designs that needs 3D visualization services, please email to tell us your detailed request. If you are 3D visualizers like us and would like to talk, please also don't hesitate to discuss with us. Contact: Jasmine; Email: support@imagist3ds.com' Company: Imagist3ds Architectural Visualization Studio Website: https://imagist3ds.com/
  8. Not sure if this is exactly a question... The default setting for the camera in SketchUp is 35 degrees. When viewing normally, 60 degrees shows things without distortion, why not use that number as a default setting. I always thought that SketchUp was confusing the 'degrees' with focal length. Curious what others think. Of course it is easy to change and one of the many settings to consider when setting a view but 60 degrees is much more realistic to me.
  9. First time using Photoshop for post Modelled on SketchUp and rendered in vray. Trying to create house in woods effects. Very open to feedback
  10. How can fabric like this be made on vray for sketchup. Everytime I try it, it never looks right
  11. V-Ray for SketchUp eBook for Designers, Let’s Talk About 3d Art Long Story Short: I wrote an entire book about V-Ray for SketchUp. Why? Because I have a lot of knowledge that I wanted to share with the world. Legit, right? -- As an architect, I have found SketchUp as a super comfortable 3D platform, in which everything can be modeled extremely quick. Undoubtedly one of the best 3d platforms available. Yes, there are obvious drawbacks too, but creating 3d artwork is what prompted me to use SketchUp so I became what is known as a “power user” using a lot of plugins in so many different ways. I got to know it so deeply, that one day I’ve issued my first SketchUp Pro textbook. Then there was a turning point when V-Ray for SketchUp enters the picture (literally). It was tremendous. Each simple 3d model becomes a fully realistic and attractive visualization. V-Ray for SketchUp allows me as a 3d artist and architect to communicate my projects in a unique professional matter. Very often I owe this ability to be able to apply architectural competitions and get the best out of my designs, which means that as an architect, I cannot settle for the raw SketchUp model but have to add V-Ray to my final art. Ever since I gained tremendous knowledge, skill, and technique perfecting my approach to visualization in general. So I wrote a book. Yes, a whole book, 400+ A4 pages packed ebook. Initially, it was composed in Hebrew, my native language but from that point forward, it was a very short path to get the book translated to suit the English language. The book is now available on a dedicated website at vfsbook.com and now published to the world! It’s a very exciting move to share my knowledge with the entire world, and I’m sure that as an architect and as a user, I’ve been able to improve tens of thousands of users on their rendering results. It’s an amazing feeling! I was happy to help, even in a commercially driven project, so other junior 3d artists can achieve great results in a short time, getting their learning curve as efficient as possible. If you would like to see an example from the ebook, go to vfsbook.com. Moshe Shemesh. Architect.
  12. Heads up: Miauu released his Link Manager- max plugin for pain-free importing, combining by material and updating your skp models in 3ds Max (without need to re-apply materials and modifiers). This is HUGE. If you are an Archviz artist modeling in SU and rendering in Max- I highly recommend this rock solid script- please support author in this difficult times; the price is symbolic. http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/miauus-manage-links
  13. Hey Everyone, I've been using Sketchup for years for all my arch modeling. I use Revit at work but not when I'm focusing on a piece for visualization purposes. Recently Blender 2.8 came out and I've been reading up on it and want to start experimenting. Sketchup can be great once you have a million plugins, but I've been looking for a more powerful modeling software to take over for a while now. Does anyone use Blender (specifically the latest version) as their primary modeling package? Not talking about rendering of any kind here, just modeling. I think one of the reasons Sketchup is popular among architecture professionals is that it functions more similar to CAD based software than other modelers such as 3DSmax. Blender doesn't seem to be much closer to a CAD environment, but I'm intrigued by the new UI and functions and its promising future. Please share your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!
  14. Hi, This is my first post here. I'm an architect and I've recently been testing Vray next for a week. I'm facing a strange noise problem on my renders. I'm using Vray Next for sketchup 2018 and the quality is set to "very high" in the settings. The noise limit is 0.003. But still I see some ugly dots on the rendering. It was working fine with the daytime render though. Can anyone please help me? I have attached the rendering and a screenshot of my Vray settings. Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi mates! I have been doing rendering for almost a decade and recently I come up with the idea of preparing video tutorials on Thea4Su (Thea render plugin for Sketchup) and you know there is no carefully set, step-by-step yet informative enough for wide range of users from noob to pro courses or information out there in the market. Also I've tried to go after a photographic approach. I've tried to think loudly while working, so the audience will be familiar with the rendering mindset. It covers: Composition, Camera, Light, Material, engine setup and postproduction tools embedded in Thea render pluginand finally puts all together in several "in-action" projects. I will release it hopefully late January and one/some free lessons also would be available. Here is the render right from the lectures:
  16. Hi mates! I have been doing rendering for almost a decade and recently I come up with the idea of preparing video tutorials on Thea4Su (Thea render plugin for Sketchup) and you know there is no carefully set, step-by-step yet informative enough for wide range of users from noob to pro courses or information out there in the market. Also I've tried to go after a photographic approach. I've tried to think loudly while working, so the audience will be familiar with the rendering mindset. It covers: Composition, Camera, Light, Material, engine setup and postproduction tools embedded in Thea render pluginand finally puts all together in several "in-action" projects. I will release it hopefully late January and one/some free lessons also would be available. Here is the render right from the lectures:
  17. I hope it is OK to post here. I would like to sell (1) VRay for Sketchup 3.6 licenses. Price is $500 US This a a workstation license that includes a render node. The render nodes are flexible in that they can be used with other VRay products: https://www.chaosgroup.com/vray/render-node I have talked with Chaos Group sales and support and they've sent me a transfer form, which must be signed from both sides. The reason is that we are doing almost all of our work in Studio Max now and using very little with SketchUp. ! If you are interested please pm or email me! Email: serstad (at) hcm2.com
  18. Hi, Does anyone know why there is a huge black spots at my render? It's on the top of the wall shelving in the attached photo. The wall finish is cement. and there's no overlapping walls also. Hope you could suggest on how to deal with this. Thank you!
  19. Hi all, I'm at the moment trying to decide if I should use Sketchup or Rhino for visualisation. Both programs are perfectly capable, however I'm just looking for some perspectives on why some people may choose one over the other. Thanks, Jayden
  20. Please find attached the below image. Please note the white specks on the top left corner of the image. I am using vray 3.4 for sketchup, And here are my settings Hope you guys can solve my case. I tried everything like switching off the specular for the ies lights, bla bla bla.
  21. when I import SKP in 3DS max, material are being converted in Arch & Design. I want all material in vary material. How can i get it?? ( I have all ready assign my renderer in Vray.)
  22. Studio/Institution: Personal Genre: Other Software: Sketchup, 3DS Max, Photoshop Description: A render I did for uni, looking for feedback on how I can improve for future reference
  23. Hi everyone. I need a very urgent help. This is my first post on this forum. If you can help me I will be very glad. Thanks in advance. I had done several short animations with Vray before, but despite following the same steps, something is going wrong, I do not understand why. The steps I follow are from Vray's own site: the https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/vra ... c+animatio My problem is that I can not save the Light Cache and Irradiance Map. Even though I click the save button, I couldn't find the .vrmap and .vrlmap files in where I saved them. I've tried the same steps many times. I could succeed to save them in one of my trying, but that time Vray just rendered the first scene again and again.(It normally should render and save each scene one by one) So, please help I do not like to say "urgent" but unfortunately, it is urgent
  24. Hi Guys, Exploring SketchUp-->3dsmax workflows for the first time. I've exported a large project from sketchup using the "by material" grouping and saving to .3ds format. It's taking a *REALLY* long time to load in 3dsmax. Is this normal behaviour for a moderately complex project from Sketchup? Thanks! Adam Foundry
  25. Hi, I'm currently working on building a folio & developing my work flow. I currently go from Revit to 3DS Max, but I'll soon be switching to either Rhino and/or Sketchup. How do other people work? Do most people model in Sketchup/Rhino then export to 3DS? Or is just modelling based on plans in 3DS the way to go? I'd love to hear all the different workflows people use! Thanks for your feedback
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