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  1. Hi All. I have been doing some renders of this car I've been modeling, and I'm working on some detail shots of the wheels, but I'm getting really bad noise in the glossy reflections of the rims. Here are some examples http://i.imgur.com/5Th5vAo.png Here is a render http://i.imgur.com/H997NZx.png here is the rawreflection pass. This is the only pass that has the noise, so I know it's a reflection problem. http://i.imgur.com/45dLZZ0.jpg Here is the sample rate I also did a test of more generic objects to see what's going on: http://i.imgur.com/BqGFrEi.jpg some shapes, no noise. http://i.imgur.com/1sP90Ns.jpg reflection pass http://i.imgur.com/GORJA5U.jpg samplerate As you can see, the generic objects are fine, but the rims get a lot of noise, and in very specific areas, and for some reason those areas are not getting enough rays. My only thought could be that those areas might be ones where secondary rays are doing a lot of bounces back and forth between the object itself. The settings for the render of the tire was using universal settings and took about 48 hours. I cranked the subdivs of the material up to 512 and that didn't make much difference. I did a lot of research on mental ray and the Adaptive DMC sampler, so I know how that works, so I thought I'd try the other approach and lower the image sampler from max 128 to max 8, 16, 32, and 64, while upping the glossy subdivs to 64,128, 256, and 512. I also tried upping the lights to 64, 128, and 512. In most of these cases the results were even worse than the universal settings, but they at least were much faster. I even tried setting the max depth of the glossy material to 1 and as high as 512. No matter what I try I am consistently getting noise in those areas and cannot fix it. After doing that test it seems like it must be something to do with the complexity of the object, but I cannot figure out how to solve this problem. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I get a weird foggy eye when rendered in low resolution. Take a look at the screenshots provided (high/low resolution), how would you fix those reflections/refractions in the eye, so it does not look foggy? First eye layer (cornea) simple glass material. Rest is split between iris, pupil and sclera. Fine: Wrong:
  3. Hey Folks, I just started with vray 3 for Rhino. They changed the color-mapping options and also refection subdivisions don't seem to work as I am used to from 2.0. These issues are resulting in the white dots in reflections, that i could normally very well avoid by using the "subpixel mapping". Has any of you some suggestions how to target that? many thanks!
  4. Hi forum.. Im rendering in Vray for Rhino. My windows are reflecting the sky as black. Other reflections are working. Glass is using the standard vismat 'clear_glass Architectural'. Sky is a bitmap in the environment refraction / background layer. Sun is on. Any ideas what i might be doing wrong? (Is it best to do sky this way, or better to use a skydome? The sunlighting is most important for me - can you still use the sun with the dome?) Thanks people!
  5. I'm at the end of my rope and nearly out of hair to pull out over this issue. I'm trying to render out an animation for a client and I've followed Chaosgroup's suggestions for rendering scenes with moving objects and cached my Irradiance Map, I've found forum posts about using Brute Force instead and tried that, I've adjusted the subdivs of my reflection up and down and gone to Oz and back, but I'm still getting flickering in the reflections from frame to frame. Does anyone know what causes this or if there's an easy fix? It's only happening in my specular and reflection channels, so I'm doubting it's a GI issue and more a material/VRay settings one, but I'm out of ideas. Here's a link to a .gif I threw together where it's happening: http://imgur.com/a/l8fks
  6. Hello, I am using a VRay 3.5 for Maya 2017. I expected one issue that i cannot pass over. I cannot create an infinite mirror in CUDA mode. In CPU there is not no problem. I think the problem should be that i cannot set local reflection subdivs in CUDA mode. I have very low CPU vs my GPU (Nvidia Tesla), so in real case i will not render 2 mirrors but parabol in headlamp, so its needed to use a GPU CUDA mode. In pictures bellow you can see what I mean, in CUDA mode I cannot get more then 3 reflections, but in CPU i can reach what i need to have. (Both render was stopped after primary bounce, for example that could be enough) SCENE: GPU: CPU: Could someone help me, to find solution to get same result in GPU (CUDA)?
  7. Hello guys, I have a GPU rendering based PC and i found an limitation. If I try two simply mirrors and Light between them to achieve something like "infinity mirror" i will get only 3 reflections through GPU, I tried to found something like reflection subdivs, but in CUDA mode i cannot check to use local subdivs, is there another way to increase number of reflections? If i tried to render same scene in CPU (it is not solving my problem, in the real case it will take too much render time, as I said i need GPU (CUDA)), the reflection is real. Bellow you can see what I mean: http://imgur.com/qkKSHtm - Scene http://imgur.com/N39oBr1 - GPU http://imgur.com/agLrj1V - CPU Thanks for your future help, Michael
  8. Hi all, Please could you help. I am trying to create and effective brass. I am doing this in principle by having a black diffuse colour (for the reflections) on the surface;a reflective layer with a falloff map for a range when material changes, and a Glossiness of 0.7 Attached is a screenshot of current issue.'Side two' shows promising results, black reflections etc.However as you can see it does not pick up the table lip profile. In order to get this shown as in Side 1 I had to add a dirt map to the diffuse layer (which was the black reflections) however this then cancels the effect of the black reflections. I have tried two diffuse layers one for dirt (in the transparency slot, and one for the black reflections to allow one to bleed through. However, this has not worked at all) I hope this makes sense. Any urgent help would be so appreciated. Thanks.
  9. I'm having trouble compositing a reflective sphere into a backplate with a HDRI dome lighting present. The problem occurs when I try to use a VRayPlane along with a VRayMtlWrapper to cast shadows onto my background image. I'm managing to get the shadows but then the reflections for the lower half of the sphere become black. I've attached 2 images demonstrating the problem. Firstly, the correct reflections with the VRayPlane turned off: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9jod70srepauy4/problemA.jpg?dl=0 And now the VRayPlane is turned on giving the correct shadows but the reflections are missing for the lower half of the sphere: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2a0oy27bpvbefzb/problemB.jpg?dl=0 I think it's something simple that i'm missing but I just can't figure it out, I appreciate any help.
  10. Hi all, I am looking for some help - the goal is to make a realistic rendering ( of course). It's all good so far with materials and model. The issue is the environment reflecting on the building - we are not modeling the environment, but since we propose large glazed screen, the buildings from across the street have to be reflected. Even more - this is a historical city and that's a project on an intersection of 5 streets ( so there's a lot of different reflections from each angle) Can you please help and point out some smart tricks, or maybe lead me to other posts regarding similar problem? This is not super-urgent, so I'm also ready to invest some time for a better result. Thanks in advance, Janis
  11. Hi, I have this strange problem with chamferbox reflections. Even though the surface is flat the reflections are rounded and there is also some dirt in the corners. I attached two images. First is made with chamferboxes. Second is made with normal boxes and then edges are chamfered with editable poly. They look totally different!? I have had this problem for years now and I don´t know how to fix it. Please help!
  12. Hi, I recently found myself puzzling over this scenario. I achieved a workaround but wondered if: a) the proposed was possible and b) what would be the process you CGArchitects would use? In 3ds Max with V-Ray: 1) You have a bathroom with a mirror on the far wall, and a camera outside of the bathroom (pointing towards the mirror). The camera is to look through the wall/s into the room. The mirror is to reflect the interior of the room. How would you do this? #1 2) There is a Domelight (using an HDRI) illuminating the scene outside of the room. To bring more of this light into the room, through two adjacent walls of the four, you wish to allow the light to pass through the walls but for reflections in the room to be of the interior only. How would you do this? #2 I would be interested to read how people here would technically address this problem. I know this scenario is not realistic (in so much as light doesn't pass through typical walls), and that an inevitable response is to just allow the light through fenestrations. However, I found this an interesting dilemma to be presented with. Thank you for your responses
  13. Hi, I've been using this forum for years and years but this is going to be my first time asking for help, bear with me please! Attached is my scene for an interior with a lot of lighting fixtures specified. VraySun and Sky were used outside to try and keep things simple. I just can't get the balance of the floor material right, I'm a bit of novice with reflection maps/fall-offs etc. I'm trying to get some of the exterior light and/or sky to reflect to add a bit of depth to the image but I always seem to end up with either a completely flat material or very spotty reflections. The same happens when I try and add reflections on the timber stations. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  14. I've attached an image of the view in question along with snapshots of my "High-Quality" render settings. I'm having difficulty reducing noise, particularly on dark objects with glossy reflections. As you can see the rest of the scene is quite clean thanks to the boost in Image Sampler Settings (Max Subdivs = 6) and a reduction in the Noise Threshold (0.005) My problem is that the window frame (and even the side of the couch) is quite noisy. I've attempted lowering my noise threshold to 0.001, as well as increasing my image sampler subdivisions to 12 without noticeable improvement. The material settings for my window frame are: (2,2,2) diffuse colour (0.7) glossy reflections w/ 32 subdivisions I also tried boosting the frame's material's subdivisions to 128, and the noise actually got worse; the contrast between the light and dark pixels increased! I did a test with the Global subdivs multiplier cranked to 4; the results were better but the rendering time was exponentially longer, and the frame was still noisy. I am using a Vray Dome to light my scene, and I've already cranked it's subdivisions to 32. This reduced the overall noise in the scene, but the frame remains a problem. I'm not sure how to fix this? Edit: I just realized the image uploader adds quite a bit of compression. The noise is much more noticeable on the original image.
  15. Good day guys.. I have a problem of making a good reflection of the mirror.. There is something horizontal line (color blue) beneath the glass.. Is there a way how to eliminate the effect???.. I also maximize the size of the image of reflection but it doesn't have any effect at all..
  17. I've had this one come up time and again but never to such an extent. Settings are rather high with a min subdivs set to 16 and a multiplier set to 2.0. I'm not sure if it's just the general effect of strong lights affecting reflective surfaces but it doesn't look very nice. Suggestions?
  18. Hey guys (and gals), Having recently completed a video tutorial (link) I had the result in FinalRender (attached) So I decided to strike out on my own, modelling a Ferrari 333SP and creating the set and lighting as shown in the tutorial. Upon render the car from most frontal angles results in a problem (attached). Anybody have any idea on how to resolve this? P.S.The materials I used for the main body of the car is the -exact- material from the tutorial (FinalRender)
  19. I am new to 3d max and Vray, and I am having some problems by making reflection in my glass. I hope somebody can help me, to get nice realistic glass, with nice reflections. Thankx.
  20. Hi All, I'm having an issue with mental ray and it is driving me nuts... Whenever I render a frame of our animation on a local machine, the frame looks fine. When I sent it out to the netwerk, it doesn't... Rendered Local... Rendered over the Netwerk... Sometimes it will be ok in the netwerk (when not re-using the FGM), but even than mostly it does not either. My guess is that the re-use of a FGM is somewhere somehow the cause, but I have not found a constant reason on how or when this happens. My process: I render the animation every 20th, adding FG points to a FGM. Next I re-use that FGM (locked) for every frame. I've tried rendering the image at 1/64-1/64, with the checkbutton 'calculate only' AND I've also tried both methodes rendering the FGM on a local machine and through the network... For now, every time I've got the same results, which you can see in the image below... My only solution so far has been to render a WIP-version without re-using the FG (so re-calculating for every frame) but that cannot be used for final rendering: increased rendering time / flickering... Does anyone got any clue how to solve this? Anyone had the same issue? Anyone any clue where to start looking for a solution? Any help is most welcome ,-) rgds, Nisus
  21. Hi, I am trying to match CG objects to a background plate with 3DS Max & V-Ray using a HDR image for lighting & reflections. I want the CG objects to both reflect the environment and the surface they sit on. I created a plane object and assigned a vraymtlwrapper with the Background image as the base material. The problem is that the CG objects appear to be transparent rather than reflecting the surface/ground. Is it possible for the cg objects to reflect the ground rather than appearing transparent and seeing through them to the background. It appears that the objects are just reflecting the background as an environment rather than a ground plate. I hope this is clear. I have attache an image showing you what I am tring to achieve. Please see the attached images: 1, IBL with matte shadow.jpg showing the problem reflections 2, Environ. & Material settings.JPG 3, IBL Teapot.jpg showing an example of what I am trying to achieve. This was done with mental ray shaders. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Peter
  22. Hi Guys, This is my first kitchen scene and my first post so hello to all. I'm having problems with the reflections in this scene. The cabinet doors are reflecting light from outside but there is a .jpg with trees etc just outside the window behind the vray light. Should this be reflecting in the cabinet doors? I've also got some noise in the handles and also on the LEM stools cant seem to get rid of this. Any help and feedback on the image much appreciated.
  23. Please let me know if you thing my latest attempt at making glowing windows and adding a wet effect to the concrete and asphalt areas. I would be very interested in learning other methods to create similar effects. I mainly use these pictures for print purposes. This was done by using the polygonal lasso to select the windows, then copying and pasting to a new layer. Layer blending mode set to screen. Layer effects added are inner glow with effect size 100%, effect opacity 20%, effect color changed from the default lemony yellow to a richer amber. Wet effect is duplicate layer flipped vertically and blending mode on soft light. Layer slightly rotated for matching up vertical lines in reflection to those of original layer. Filter: distort: glass (distortion: 1, smoothness: 2, scale: 75%) sky and all other non-reflective areas then cut or erased from this layer. From original layer select and copy & past sky to new layer. Set blend mode to multiply and play with layer opacity if desired. BEFORE: AFTER:
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